Author: Michelle Korhonen

Have you heard about the president who received money from China and other foreign countries? No, not the current president. The former one.House Republicans recently launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, premised on the claim that he is hiding, in the words of Speaker Mike Johnson, “millions of dollars in payments from America’s foreign adversaries.” As yet, they have produced no evidence to back up the idea that Biden profited. (The payments they have flagged involve the business interests of his son Hunter Biden, who is facing two separate federal indictments at the moment, and his brother James.)David…

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Five U.S. cities which imposed taxes on sugary drinks saw prices rise and sales fall by 33%, according to a new study. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Five U.S. cities which imposed taxes on sugary drinks saw prices rise and sales fall by 33%, according to a new study. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Sales of sugary drinks fell dramatically across five U.S. cities, after they implemented taxes targeting those drinks – and those changes were sustained over time. That’s according to a study published Friday in the journal JAMA Health Forum. Researchers say the findings provide…

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Texting, calling, voice notes, group chats: Humans’ relationship to the phone is constantly evolving.Alexey Boldin / Shutterstock / The AtlanticJanuary 6, 2024, 9:41 AM ETThis is an edition of The Wonder Reader, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a set of stories to spark your curiosity and fill you with delight. Sign up here to get it every Saturday morning.Gathering with family can be a chance to observe up close how multiple generations live their lives. One fascinating instance I’ve been thinking about lately: the way people interact with their phones. Home for the holidays, one might’ve encountered the…

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January 6, 2024, 10:10 AM ETEditor’s Note: Washington Week With The Atlantic is a partnership between NewsHour Productions, WETA, and The Atlantic airing every Friday on PBS stations nationwide. Check your local listings or watch full episodes here.On Friday, the day before the third anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, President Joe Biden delivered his first speech of the new year at Valley Forge in battleground Pennsylvania, and warned voters about what’s at stake this November. His likely Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is meanwhile hitting the campaign trail in Iowa to cement his lead before the caucuses, while…

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This article was originally published by Quanta Magazine.Earth’s fate rests on a coin flip.In 5 billion years, our sun will balloon into a red giant star. Whether Earth survives is an “open question,” Melinda Soares-Furtado, an astrophysicist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, says. Sure, Earth could be swallowed by the sun and destroyed. But in some scenarios, Earth escapes and is pushed farther out into the solar system.Now a nearby planetary system has offered clues to our planet’s cosmic hereafter. About 57 light-years away, four planets orbit a sunlike star that is some 10 billion years old—about twice…

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At Life Kit, our job is to get great advice from health, lifestyle, finance and relationship experts and share them with our audience. Naturally, your producers and editors are going to have some favorite pearls of wisdom. Here are 24 helpful tips from our episodes that we loved and really stuck with us this past year. They include practical guidance (like wear sunscreen and eat more fiber!) and a few surprising ones too (treat bread like dessert and use your washing machine’s express cycle!). We hope they’ll help you save money and time and boost your health and happiness this…

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Recently, I stood on a windswept street corner in Brooklyn and watched a river of pro-Palestinian protesters move past, as police officers tracked their path. A number of demonstrators had heads swathed in kaffiyehs, and some wore face-obscuring black masks. They waved Palestinian flags and placards denouncing Israel in many different ways.Defund the settler-colonialist state demanded one. Another stated Land back!, echoing the Native American movement to reclaim lost territory in the United States.Two women held tight to a Decolonization from Turtle Island to Palestine banner as a gust tugged at it. Turtle Island alludes to the creation story of…

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If you’re working on building better eating habits in the new year, consider mindful eating, which asks us to slow down and notice our food. JUANA SUMMERS, HOST: Do you ever eat way too fast and accidentally bite the inside of your mouth or just feel really bloated and uncomfortable? There are a lot of reasons we scarf down our food – tight deadlines, short lunch breaks at work, rushing to get somewhere. If you’re working on building better eating habits in the new year, you might want to try eating mindfully.LILIAN CHEUNG: Mindful eating practice encourages us to make…

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