Author: Michelle Korhonen

An experimental gene therapy tested in young children with an inherited form of deafness restored some hearing for most of them. VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty Images/Science Photo Library hide caption toggle caption VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty Images/Science Photo Library An experimental gene therapy tested in young children with an inherited form of deafness restored some hearing for most of them. VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS/Getty Images/Science Photo Library For the first time, gene therapy is showing promise for treating inherited deafness, researchers reported Wednesday. A study involving six children born with a genetic defect that left them profoundly deaf found that an experimental form…

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Are you feeling stuck in your fitness journey? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people face challenges when it comes to overcoming fitness plateaus, I did until I figured what REALLY works!  Tip 1: Find your people Motivation and support are the number one reason people feel stuck in their fitness journeys. Finding the right people to support you throughout this journey is crucial to accomplishing your goals. I created the Teamlsf community because I didn’t have a core group of people supporting me when I went on my journey to lose 45 pounds. Here are 3 ways to connect with my community: …

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This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here.“It’s hard to remember at this point, but before the Hamas slaughter on October 7, Israel was embroiled in the worst civic unrest since its founding,” my colleague Yair Rosenberg wrote earlier this month. Most Israelis have since shifted their focus from that unrest, which was caused by the government’s attempt to subordinate Israel’s judiciary to its politicians.At the same time, many Israeli citizens remain…

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Sign up for The Decision, a newsletter featuring our 2024 election coverage.“Everybody’s waiting to write my obituary.”This is never a good thing for a candidate to be saying on Election Day.But Nikki Haley, the candidate, was trying—pleading—to make a larger point to CNN’s Dana Bash as they sat on raised chairs in the middle of Chez Vachon, the landmark coffee shop and makeshift TV studio on the west side of Manchester, New Hampshire.“We had 14 candidates,” Haley said, referring to the number of people who were seeking the Republican nomination a few months ago. “It’s now down to two”—Haley and…

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A woman directs a commercially successful and critically acclaimed film that is nominated for a slew of Academy Awards, but none for Best Director. Sound familiar? Back in 1992, this is what happened to Barbra Streisand, whose Oscar snub for directing The Prince of Tides prompted the ceremony’s host, Billy Crystal, to sing “Did this movie direct itself?” to the tune of “Don’t Rain on My Parade” in his opening monologue. He was stealing his own joke—he’d said the same thing two years prior about Bruce Beresford, who was overlooked for Best Director even though his film Driving Miss Daisy…

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Sign up for The Decision, a newsletter featuring our 2024 election coverage.It was a plausible plan, the political equivalent of stealing a base.Joe Biden had promised South Carolina Democrats that their state would host the first primary of 2024. The state of New Hampshire declined to step aside. To honor his promise, Biden did not enter the New Hampshire primary.That decision opened an opportunity for Biden detractors inside and outside the Democratic primary process: If the incumbent president refused to compete, somebody else could enter and appear to win. It would not be much of a victory, but it might…

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Informed Americans finally seem to understand that the macabre slogan of Yemen’s Houthi militia group—“God is the greatest, death to America, death to Israel, a curse upon the Jews, victory to Islam”—is more than empty rhetoric.The Houthis are a potent Iranian proxy group, and their slogan, adapted from Iranian revolutionary propaganda, is being made manifest in action. They’ve attacked Red Sea shipping lanes more than 30 times since October 17, under the implausible pretext of aiding Hamas and protesting Israeli military actions in Gaza.Washington long held, against Saudi protestations, that the Houthis didn’t or couldn’t possibly pose a significant threat…

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The scene at the U.S. Supreme Court on the day it overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Researchers estimate that 64,565 rape-caused pregnancies have occurred in states that banned abortion since then. Jacquelyn Martin/AP hide caption toggle caption Jacquelyn Martin/AP The scene at the U.S. Supreme Court on the day it overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Researchers estimate that 64,565 rape-caused pregnancies have occurred in states that banned abortion since then. Jacquelyn Martin/AP As an abortion provider in Montana, Dr. Samuel Dickman has seen patients routinely who tell him they became pregnant after a rape. His sense…

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