Author: Richard C. Trotter

Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, and the signs of emotional trauma in adults aren’t always as obvious as you might expect. In fact, you could be holding onto emotional trauma that stems from an experience you considered pretty “normal.” Consider the example of cheating in a romantic relationship. If your romantic partner has ever cheated, you may have felt betrayed, disappointed, angry, and heartbroken in the aftermath. But perhaps worse was the emotional turmoil that you endured before you uncovered the infidelity, like bubbling suspicion, emotional neglect from your partner, and compounding anxiety. Experts In This Article Briana…

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A burning sensation in your stomach is never a welcome feeling. Sometimes it seemingly happens out of nowhere, while other times, it comes along with gas pain, chest pain from drinking alcohol, or eating acidic foods (hello, heartburn). Is there anything you can do to keep this fiery blaze from lighting up your gut? The fix depends on what’s causing the burning in the first place, says Andrew Boxer, MD, a gastroenterologist with Gastroenterology Associates of New Jersey. Mild, occasional gastric burning can usually be managed with over-the-counter (OTC) meds, home remedies, and some smart habit shifts. But symptoms that…

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Sometimes after a super long day of work, my hip flexors protest when I try to get out of my seat—they need a few extra seconds before releasing enough to actually let me stand up straight. Even when I think I’ve done everything right (meaning, I actually stretched a little after my last workout), they still don’t want to let go. What gives? It turns out, tight hips are one of the most common complaints physical therapists get. “The ligaments stiffen up and don’t allow for much movement, and then that leads to the muscles and cascades from there,” says…

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The way we feel about our bodies is ever-changing. It bends with the ups and downs of life, and fluctuates just as much as our bodies themselves do. Sometimes, we’ll look in the mirror and feel pleased with what we see, while other times, not as much. This is a fairly common phenomenon called body dissatisfaction, which anyone can experience, though it particularly affects about 46 percent of U.S. adolescents through to adulthood, per July 2019 research in Clinical Psychological Science. But what happens if our body dissatisfaction warps our body image—i.e., the way we perceive, think about, and treat…

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To state what should be obvious: People of all sexualities and genders, bodies, and genitalia deserve access to safe and affirming fitness spaces. Exercise, after all, is linked with improved mental and physical health outcomes, which LGBTQIA+ individuals experience at higher-than-average-rates, according to a 2021 research review in Health SA. Not to mention, most fitness spaces are meccas for community, which is an essential ingredient for obtaining a sense of belonging and acceptance, says Jesse Kahn, LCSW, CST, a queer sex therapist and director of The Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center in New York City. An LGBTQIA+ inclusive and safe…

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Your weekly horoscope for June 9 to 15, 2024, starts out on a somber note when the sun in Gemini rams into Saturn in Pisces on June 9. You may need to exercise your patience as you encounter setbacks or disappointing news. This energy is anything but lighthearted, and can even kick up temporary feelings of depression or rejection. You may also reconsider commitments and boundaries you set around February 28, the last time the sun and Saturn met in the sky. Today, your responsibilities outweigh whatever fun you had planned. This week’s horoscope starts out on a somber note;…

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When I lived in New York City, I regularly ran at night. I didn’t run my same daytime routes through Central Park or along the East River (I watched too many Law & Order: SVU episodes for that), but I knew that I could safely run up and down the major avenues and their cross streets: Streetlights illuminated the sidewalks at even intervals, people consistently moseyed in and out of restaurants and bars, and while I always stayed alert to my surroundings, I never felt anxious. When I moved to Denver, though, my late evening runs came to a full…

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You were rocking a regular workout routine, but now? Not so much. Or maybe you trained for an event but then, after a week of recovery time, you’re finding it difficult to get back into the groove. Whatever might have tanked your consistency, you’re certainly not alone. “Give yourself some grace if you’ve fallen out of the workout habit, this is a very common situation,” says Carol Mack, DPT, CSCS, a strength and conditioning coach and physical therapist. “Even if it’s a few weeks off, all is not lost. The first workout back will feel tough, but most people regain…

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When you can’t sleep, you might try counting sheep or popping a tab of melatonin. If nothing seems to be working, it’s easy to spiral into anxiety over the fact that you can’t fall asleep, which, ironically, only makes it harder to drift off. It’s a common occurrence; in a 2020 survey, nearly 15 percent of adults in the US reported having trouble sleeping, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Hands up if you’re an unintentional night owl!) What can you do to break the cycle? Well, there’s a good chance meditation for sleep could be your…

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In the last few years, an interesting thing has happened in the world of cosmetic injectables. A practice once cloaked in stigma has become a widely accepted form of skincare—with many people integrating injections into their grooming routines with the same normalcy as waxing or getting facials. In 2022, research found the global facial injectables market was valued at $7.81 billion—and is expected to double within five years. Though Botox is the most well-known neurotoxin, it isn’t the only one. In recent years, alternatives like Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau, and Daxxify have hit the scene, offering similar wrinkle-reducing results with subtle differences. Whether you choose to try one of these treatments is entirely up to…

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