Author: Richard C. Trotter

Exercise is often seen as “me time”—a moment to focus solely on yourself, your body, and your mind. So it’s no wonder traditional movement practices, whether it be weightlifting, running, or Pilates, are performed with earbuds in and zero small talk. But there’s a case for incorporating some socialization into your fitness routine: Moving with others could enhance your well-being and longevity in the long run. In a 25-year observational study of more than 8,500 people in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers found that leisure-time sports that were inherently more social were linked with the best longevity. Study participants who played…

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It’s the end of a long day and you’re ready for bed. Your head hits the pillow, and suddenly, you can’t take deep breaths. The feeling of not getting enough air in every time you lie down is uncomfortable, and can be unsettling or even downright scary—especially if you’ve never felt it before. If this scenario describes your nightly routine, you could be dealing with something called orthopnea. People with orthopnea become breathless when they lie on their backs, but breathe easily as soon as they sit up or stand. This makes it different from other conditions that involve difficulty…

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With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission. Happy shopping! Explore the SHOP The daily forecast is *finally* over 50 degrees (Boston, you have some explaining to do), and there seems to be a steady hum beckoning the world out of its hibernation. Ah, the spirit of summer. I’m very ready to embrace the sunshine and get into some seasonal…

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When you’re pregnant, your body goes through massive changes (you are growing an actual human being, after all!). Some are expected: bigger boobs, swollen feet, stretch marks, etc. Some aren’t—like “mom butt,” aka the loss of glute muscle. Say what? Yep, your derriere may deflate during pregnancy. Chalk it up to another strange pregnancy phenomenon. But glute loss isn’t simply an issue of your booty not filling your jeans the same. Your gluteus maximus—the largest muscle in the body—plays a big role in your everyday life. For one, it helps keep your body upright. It’s the reason you can climb…

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Is it love… or is it just wishful thinking? Your weekly horoscope for June 16 to June 22, 2024 blurs the lines between fantasy and reality! Your inner romantic might crave a candlelit dinner and an evening exchanging sweet nothings with your lover when Venus in Gemini bumps into Neptune in Pisces on June 16. While this all might sound like a fun time, it will also be easier to miss red flags in relationships and get carried away in your own idealized version of a person or situation. Later that day, Venus, the planet of relationships, enters sentimental Cancer.…

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Considering that vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains are packed with tons of key nutrients, it’s no secret that adopting a plant-based diet has a plethora of health benefits, including boosting longevity and gut health. But what is exactly in plant-based foods that gives them their superpowers? Phytonutrients. Researchers and health experts have been obsessing over compounds called phytonutrients for years for their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and heart-healthy benefits. To learn more about this powerful plant nutrient and the best ways to find it in the foods we eat, we caught up with Melanie Murphy Richter, RDN, a registered dietitian and neuronutritionist.…

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Runners are known to wax poetic about the elusive runner’s high: those rare moments of endorphin-fueled euphoria when your legs feel strong, your pace is swift, and the miles pass beneath your feet with minimal effort as you take in the scenery. These satisfying, borderline-easy runs inspire us to attempt longer distances and chase after new PRs. We lace up again and again, hoping to tap into that natural sense of flow. The opposite experience—the runner’s low, if you will—is less majestic but much more common. If you’ve been running for any amount of time, you’ve likely found yourself in…

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If you enjoy keeping up with wellness trends, you’ve probably fallen down what we like to call “the TikTok rabbit hole” at least once or twice. The latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-great) health trends spread fast online, usually before they can even be approved or denied by doctors. The latest trend to catch on? Putting castor oil in your belly button—also known as navel oiling. It might seem like a new concept, but castor oil has been on the scene for a while. Applying it your body, and belly button in particular, is rooted in traditional Ayurvedic medicine from…

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With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission. Happy shopping! Explore the SHOP Accidentally staining something is up there with some of the worst feelings in the world. It’s an inconvenience, no doubt, but even the most precarious can’t avoid ever spilling a drink on their carpet. The solution? Having a go-to tool that you can count on to remove…

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No matter if you’re an exercise newbie or a veteran athlete, you’ve likely heard of active recovery—whether or not you know exactly what it is. Rest days are important in any routine, but it turns out the best active recovery workout may be just as good (or better) at promoting optimal healing of worn-out muscles, so you come back stronger more quickly. Even as a long-time recreational athlete, I’m new to incorporating active recovery. I’ve always had self-planned run days, strength training days, and full rest days. However, this year, I decided to work with a trainer to prevent injury…

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