Author: Richard C. Trotter

There’s an ongoing joke among my close friends and family, and it’s that, well, I’m gassy.  For most of my adult life, I’ve experienced gas, bloating, and overall stomach discomfort after eating. At home, my father would tease me that I took after his side of the family when I would stink up the living room. After a dinner out with my close girlfriends while living in New York City in my 20s, I passed gas on the subway, and they all hurried away from me, plugging their noses. Years later, my loving husband stowed Febreze spray in the drawer…

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You’re never too young to prioritize balance training. It may enhance1 memory and spatial cognition, lower2 the risk of injury in athletes, and improve2 postural control, the latter of which contributes to better motor performance in sports. One way to get your fill: Incorporate yoga poses for balance into your movement routine. A 2022 study in the Slovenian Journal of Public Health found that practicing 30 minutes of yoga a day for four weeks led to improvements in static, dynamic, and overall balance in older adults. Ahead, learn exactly why the movement practice can give your stability a boost and…

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There’s no shame in picking up a workout routine with a particular aesthetic goal in mind. But it shouldn’t be your only motivation for exercising—and that couldn’t be more true when you’re training your midsection muscles to reap the benefits of a strong core. “The core is, I would say, probably one of the most—if not the most—important part of your body,” says certified personal trainer Kelly Froelich, CPT. “…It’s foundational to being a human being and [accomplishing] everyday movement.” Here, details on the benefits of a strong core, plus the exercises you can practice to score those perks. First,…

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No pain, no gain. Start counting when it hurts. Run till you see stars. Over the years, you’ve probably heard a few exercise mantras that are more than a little… hardcore. Real talk: How’s that burnout approach working for you? Ayorinde Iranlowo-Ifatunji, barre instructor and Nike Well Collective trainer, thinks there’s a better path to wellness—and it’s all about moving your body in a way that actually makes you feel good and, in turn, allows you to shine your light on others. Her go-to daily practice is walking (alongside the zillions of TikTokers out there making their steps “hot”)… but…

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Even as a dietitian, I spent a shocking amount of brainpower working to understand my digestive symptoms, more specifically stress management for IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, discomfort, and unpredictable changes in bowel habits. It may include symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, or both. The exact cause of IBS is unknown and everyone’s symptoms are so individualized. We do, however, know that lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and stress contribute to its development or exacerbate symptoms. After years of making diet changes only to have very little success managing my condition,…

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Eclipse season forges ahead in your weekly horoscope for April 7 to 13, 2024. The week begins with the moon entering Aries on April 7 and building toward the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 (which will be visible across a wide swath of the United States). This lunation brings a new, fated beginning regarding your sense of self, confidence, and identity. You might step into a new role, shake up your style, or charge fearlessly after a new ambition or desire under this eclipse. The solar eclipse will also reactivate themes that surfaced under last year’s…

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If you thought your days of planking were over when you graduated from high school gym class, you may want to reconsider. This classic move provides several benefits that can keep you healthy today and throughout the years ahead. “Planks are an incredible core exercise,” says Stan Kravchenko, NASM-CPT, a personal trainer and founder of “Although the physical benefits you may see of tightening your midsection are all the hype, don’t sleep on the real benefits of a solid and strong core. It is so important for many of your daily activities, such as stability and balance—and it is…

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In the six years I’ve spent coaching in the boutique fitness space, I can probably name (from memory) every single Black and Brown person I’ve ever trained. That should let you know there aren’t many. Not to mention, as limited as the number is that I see, there are many studios I’ve attended that have even less diversity. In a space where music by Black and Brown artists and Black and Brown bodies (i.e. big butts) are loved and coveted, it becomes a challenge when we ourselves are not welcome. Boutique fitness spaces, in particular, are filled with mostly white…

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Three men walk into an emergency room. So do three women. Who’s getting the best care?  All kinds of factors could come into play here (insurance, socioeconomic status, race, which patient is most emergent). But in general, doctors will often automatically know with more certainty how to treat someone who was assigned male at birth. Despite the setup, this isn’t a joke. Rather, it’s a harsh reality caused by a lack of representation in health research that reaches back decades, even centuries, says Primavera Spagnolo, MD, PhD, associate director of the Connors Center for Women’s Health & Gender Biology at the…

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Whenever I take a Pilates class, I know I’m in for one thing: a seriously sore core the next day. Whether on the reformer or the mat, nearly the entire workout is designed around building major strength in the midsection. And as much as I might whine about the aching afterwards, I know the most effective Pilates moves build exactly the kind of all-around core strength I’m after. “Every Pilates exercise is a ‘core’ exercise,” says Laura Quinn, CPT, the head Pilates trainer at Alo Wellness Club in Los Angeles. “Joseph Pilates’ school of thought [was] when the powerhouse (core)…

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