Author: Michelle Korhonen

Chatting about some of the long-term impacts of stress and how it can lead to hormone issues down the line. Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing day so far! I’m taking an F45 strength class and have calls lined up the rest of the day. For today’s post, I wanted to chat a little bit about stress. I talk with clients every day, and this is a huge theme. We’re all stressed. It can be emotional, physical, or environmental stressors, and the results compound over time. When stress becomes chronic, it can unfortunately wreak havoc…

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For the first time in 10+ years, I rewatched my 2012 TEDx talk: “​Nerd Fitness and Resetting the Game of Life.​” My first thought: “Whoa, Steve. Those are some EPIC sideburns.” My next thought: “Bold choice with the striped shirt, jeans, and flip flops!” Then I gave myself some grace. I’m deeply uncomfortable with the spotlight. I hate public speaking. It makes me want to vomit every single time. I also don’t like being on camera. And yet, I have ideas that I think can help people. So I write and share my ideas. And sometimes, I force myself to…

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For a long time, I took a lot of pride in never needing to rely on other people. I am a conflict-avoidant people-pleaser, so I would often pride myself on NEVER allowing myself to rely on others. I certainly wouldn’t let myself burden somebody else with my struggles. I jokingly shared how I felt about ​asking for help the other day on Instagram​: I would gladly help others without a second thought. But saw it as a character flaw for myself (and ONLY myself) if I asked for help. I believed that this was one of my strengths: figuring everything…

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Sharing my thoughts on food dyes and which ones to avoid, if that’s one of your goals.  Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend. Ours was a good one – three soccer games, dinner with friends, some swimming, and some chill time. I also got some work stuff done since I’d been behind for a couple of weeks. Today, I wanted to talk about a beefy topic: food dye! When you’re browsing the aisles of your local grocery store, it’s easy to be drawn to the vibrant, colorful packaging that lines the shelves. The bright hues…

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Sharing some of my favorite herbs for brain health. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes, or starting any new supplements.  Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I’m getting my nails done today (yesssss) and have coaching calls this afternoon. For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about brain health. This is something I’ve become more passionate and curious about, especially since I’ve been diving into Dr. Amen’s work.  (I still can’t believe I got to meet him at the Biohacking Conference! And he was AMAZING.) When it comes to wellness, brain…

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Our team is continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off and we’re so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 6 week challenge so strong and your transformations, inside and out, were INCREDIBLE! Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be!  Time to shout out our SSU24 winners! These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but have the most amazing stories! GRAND PRIZE WINNER Kim Cary (@kkgetsfit_lsf) Total pounds lost: 7 Kim’s Story:  “When I started Summer Shape Up I was not a…

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Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome Brian Murphy to the podcast today! I tracked him down at the Biohacking Conference because I loved his company, their mission, and his overall energy and vibe. I could tell he was just a genuine, cool, positive person, and I knew he’d be an amazing fit for the show. Here’s what we talk about today: – What are adaptogens and how do they work? – Our broken food system and the purpose behind Living Prana – Cultivating a positive mindset and creating motivation, even when you don’t feel like it – His tips…

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Hi friends! Happy long weekend to ya! I’m posting Friday Faves on a Saturday because it’s.been.a.week. (Actually a few weeks!) The Pilot finished up three weeks of night flying, so it’s been a lot of solo parenting around here since the girls started school. Earlier the week, I noticed that Maisey’s mouth looked weird. She was showing her “little teeth” which cracks us up, and I didn’t think too much of it. The next day, she was unable to close her mouth and was having difficulty eating and drinking. We took her to vet urgent care, and her bloodwork and…

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Nick Cave has taken over my life for the past month. Mr. Cave has been putting out music since the mid 1980s with his band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. He’s also a writer, screenwriter, poet, and all-around interesting dude. His band’s most famous song, “​Red Right Hand​,” serves as the theme song for the show Peaky Blinders, which I have been watching this summer. And last week, Nick Cave turned up again in my life, and I can’t stop thinking about his words. In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Cave talked about a letter he received from…

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Sharing some tips about sugar cravings, healthy foods to curb them, why you should enjoy a sweet treat when you want one, and why fueling yourself throughout the day is the key to feeling satisfied and energized. Hi friends! How’s the day going? Are you excited about the return of fall? It’s bittersweet for us! I hope you have a wonderful day!!. 🙂 For today’s post, let’s talk about sugar cravings! Sugar cravings make you feel the urge to eat something sweet, and it’s super common. It can also lead to overeating, as tons of sugary foods can satisfy your…

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