Author: Michelle Korhonen

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But with all the fun holiday festivities also comes a little chaos that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and struggling to stay on track with your goals.  Don’t stress – I’ve got you covered! I’m gonna make it easy for you to not only avoid gaining weight this holiday season, but also help you see results by Christmas!  Whether you’re at home or jet-setting to visit family, here are some quick and effective tips to help you stay active and focused on your goals. Embrace Quickies: During the holidays, time is EVERYTHING…

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Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.Researchers warned data was ‘strongly pointing’ to the fact that ‘cannabis use at any point in time, be it recreational or medicinal,’ was not without risks.Amid…

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Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to U.S. Congress was running for president in 1972 when she had a remarkable interaction with the pro-segregation George Wallace, then governor of Alabama. Her efforts to build bridges with him ultimately changed his point of view. She’s pictured here giving a speech at Laney Community College during her presidential campaign. Howard Erker/Oakland Tribune-MediaNews Group via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Howard Erker/Oakland Tribune-MediaNews Group via Getty Images Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to U.S. Congress was running for president in 1972 when she had a remarkable interaction with the…

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You have to admit, it seemed like a great way to help anxious and depressed teens.Researchers in Australia assigned more than 1,000 young teenagers to one of two classes: either a typical middle-school health class or one that taught a version of a mental-health treatment called dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT. After eight weeks, the researchers planned to measure whether the DBT teens’ mental health had improved.The therapy was based on strong science: DBT incorporates some classic techniques from therapy, such as cognitive reappraisal, or reframing negative events in a more positive way, and it also includes more avant-garde techniques…

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Fallopian tubes are two thin, muscular tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. They are responsible for transporting eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, where they can be fertilized by sperm. If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, an egg will not be able to travel to the uterus and fertilization cannot occur.There are a number of reasons why fallopian tubes may become blocked, including:Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs that can be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other bacteria. PID can cause inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes, which…

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Sharing gift guide ideas for your mom, grandma, aunt, SIL, bestie, or for yourself! I’m calling it. The holiday season is officially here and I’m so ready for it! Bring on the family fun, delicious food, and festive parties. Gift-wise, I’m trying to get my act together EARLY this year. My goal is to have everything ordered by Cyber Monday, wrapped that week, and then I can kick back, relax and enjoy the holiday season with the fam. I wanted to share gift guides early this year in case you have similar goals this season! 2023 gift guide for kids…

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People who practice cognitively enhanced tai chi, significantly improved their scores on memory tests. PYMCA/Avalon/Avalon via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption PYMCA/Avalon/Avalon via Getty Images People who practice cognitively enhanced tai chi, significantly improved their scores on memory tests. PYMCA/Avalon/Avalon via Getty Images Your keys aren’t in the spot you thought you left them? Can’t recall the title of a book? I’ve had those moments. Amid our busy lives, distraction or fatigue may explain our forgetfulness. But instances of ‘brain freeze’ make me realize I want to do everything in my power to help keep my brain sharp. There’s…

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This is a delicious, healthy, and EASY side dish- perfect for Thanksgiving and the holiday season. If you’re looking for a no-fail side dish, this is the one. It’s gluten-free, Paleo, high in nutrients, and tastes amazing. Honey-Dijon Roasted Root Vegetables Hi friends! How’s the day going? Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. Yesterday was a whirlwind of fun: Anne and I filmed 3 of the Winter Shape-up videos with Grant. It was so great to catch up with Anne, and also see Grant again. He’s the mastermind behind many of my YouTube videos and also Soli Beat. We cranked…

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Representative Adam Schiff was mingling his way through a friendly crowd at a Democratic barbecue when the hecklers arrived—by boat. Schiff and two other Senate candidates, Representatives Katie Porter and Barbara Lee, convened on the back patio of a country club overlooking the port of Stockton, California. Schiff spoke first. “It’s such a beautiful evening,” he said, thanking the host, local Democratic Representative Josh Harder.It was hard to know what to make of the protest vessel, except that its seven passengers were yelling things as Schiff began his remarks. And not nice things. Although their words were tough to decipher,…

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A simple lateral flow test used to detect brain tumours at home is being developed by scientists. The life-saving test could rapidly warn people with aggressive, recurring brain tumours if a tumour has come back. The test has been developed for glioblastoma – the type of aggressive brain tumour which affects around 2,200 people a year in the UK, and which comes back in about 75 per cent of cases. People currently often have an average wait of three to six months between MRI scans to see if a tumour has regrown. Therefore a test they could take a few times a week would reduce…

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