Author: Lance Garrison

How do you solve a problem like North Korea?Since the end of the Cold War, it seems that every formula, from threatening war to promising peace, has been tried. And yet, despite being under more sanctions than just about any other country, North Korea developed a nuclear arsenal estimated at 50 warheads and sophisticated missiles that can, in theory, deliver those weapons to targets in the continental United States.President Biden’s administration has taken a notably more ambivalent approach toward North Korea than his predecessor Donald Trump, who alternately railed at and courted its leader, Kim Jong-un. But we shouldn’t stop…

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“The golden age of dating apps is over,” a friend told me at a bar on Super Bowl Sunday. As we waited for our drinks, she and another friend swiped through Bumble and Hinge, hunting for new faces and likes. Across the bar were two young men: phones out, apps open, clearly doing the exact same thing. Never did the duos meet.What’s lamentable here isn’t only that dating apps have become the de facto medium through which single people meet. Since 2019, three in 10 U.S. adults have reported using them, with that figure rising to roughly six in 10…

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But while it may be more challenging for some moms to advance if they choose to work from an office less frequently (though I’m optimistic that will change over time as remote work is normalized), what I’m hearing these days from many mothers — and fathers — is that climbing the ladder is not top of mind. With those mommy-track headlines, it’s also worth remembering that working remotely isn’t just a corporate mom thing. While college-educated mothers of young children are more likely to work remotely than other college-educated women, “Looking narrowly at just college graduates, remote work patterns for…

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President Biden is sounding tougher toward Israel these days and showing more compassion for people starving in Gaza. “There are a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying,” Biden said. “And it’s got to stop.”But it’s not going to stop on its own — indeed, it may get worse if Israel invades Rafah, or if hunger tips into famine. And Biden’s concern for Palestinians rings hollow to me because he has been unwilling to lean hard on Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make it stop.So we’re now in a bizarre situation: American bombs and American aid…

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March 15, 2024 – Summer is fast approaching, and the pressures of “bikini season” have some young adults looking to GLP-1 medications like Ozempic to shed weight. And while data shows that obesity is skyrocketing among U.S. teens and young adults, Ozempic and other GLP-1 medications are very rarely the first or best option to lose weight – especially for those who don’t have obesity or related conditions, experts say. Before jumping to these medications, teens should make sure they are eating nutritious foods and getting enough exercise. But for teens who are overweight (BMI over 25) or obese (BMI 30 or…

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Teresa Ghilarducci, a labor economist, begins her new book with a story about an 82-year-old cashier at Walmart who was able to retire — finally — after a customer started a GoFundMe campaign for him that blew up on social media. “Is this what America’s retirement system has come to?” she asks. “Are we heading for a TikTok pension system?”Ghilarducci argues that working longer is not the solution to America’s retirement crisis, in which millions of people don’t have enough money for a comfortable old age. The most important fix, she says, is to shore up Social Security and complement…

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To the Editor:Re “Schumer Voices Harsh Criticism of Israel Leader” (front page, March 15):My heartfelt gratitude to Senator Chuck Schumer for his bold, pointed call for removal of extremists blocking the path to peace in Israel and Palestine, and for calling out Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s actions as antithetical to both democracy and Judaism.As a Jewish American I am deeply moved by Senator Schumer’s use of his platform as our highest-ranking Jewish elected official to call for peace, prosperity and security for Israel and Palestine. And for centering his words in Jewish values. The great scholar Hillel…

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Listen to and follow ‘Matter of Opinion’Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon MusicMany voters from both parties are less than enthusiastic about their likely options this November.This week the Opinion writer and editor Katherine Miller joins Michelle Cottle, Lydia Polgreen and Carlos Lozada to talk about uncommitted voters, double haters and how they could affect the election, whether they turn out or not.Plus, Lydia makes a plea against the tyranny of clean lines and interior design monoculture.(A full transcript of this audio essay will be available within 24 hours of publication in the audio player above.)Mentioned in this episode:Thoughts? Email…

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New York is about to get really wild. Every spring, millions of birds fly from South and Central America along the Atlantic Flyway, heading for northern breeding grounds. Many of them choose to fly through New York City, sometimes stopping to rest in Central Park. You can take the subway to 81st Street, stroll across the way and maybe see a maraschino-cherry-red male scarlet tanager with black wings, fresh from the foothills of the Andes.As the migration picks up in the weeks to come, millions of wild birds will pass through the city. But New York is also home to…

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It’s official — we have a rematch.This week, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump officially secured the delegates needed to win renomination in their respective primaries. This will be the first contest since the 1892 race between Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland where a former challenger, now incumbent, faces off against a former incumbent, now challenger, for a second term in the White House. Cleveland won his challenge, but this does not tell us anything about our situation.Truth be told, there is a pervasive sense floating around this election that there is nothing new to discuss — that there’s nothing…

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