Author: Lance Garrison

The physical effects of overactive bladder are obvious. But the emotional impact isn’t talked about as much. You might avoid going on road trips with friends, playing sports, or visiting your grandchildren because you’re self-conscious about leaking or having to stop a lot to use the restroom. “People start to live their lives around management of their bladder,” says Aqsa Khan, MD, a urologist at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ.Even at home, OAB can make the simplest social interactions stressful. Khan says one of her patients, a 50-year-old woman, described having a nice chat with her neighbor in the yard when…

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George Galioto blamed his sleepless nights on his schedule. He often worked two jobs, putting in long hours at bars and restaurants where his shifts ended long past midnight. He also juggled work and school, studying late into the evenings.“I wasn’t even attempting to go to sleep until well after midnight and sometimes not until 3 a.m.,” he says. “For the longest time, I thought it was due to that lifestyle that I’d programmed my body away from a regular circadian rhythm.”Even when it was time to go to bed, Galioto, now 49, almost never felt tired. His mind didn’t…

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Perhaps Mr. Gershkovich was seized as a pawn to swap for Russians held in the West, as the American basketball player Brittney Griner was in 2022. Perhaps it was because Mr. Gershkovich’s parents are Russian Jews who emigrated in the 1970s, so Mr. Putin views him, as he views Ukraine, as within his sphere of repression.As the first anniversary of Mr. Gershkovich’s incarceration approaches, there is no evidence of a potential trade, though Mr. Putin did suggest last month that it could happen. And there is no indication that a trial is imminent. Instead, Mr. Gershkovich will soon have spent…

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Let’s say for now that the day comes when robots and artificial intelligence can outperform human beings at every conceivable job, from waxing floors to waxing eyebrows to waxing philosophical at a lectern. Will there still be work for people?There could be, says Noah Smith, a blogging economist. “It’s very possible that regular humans will have plentiful, high-paying jobs in the age of A.I. dominance — often doing much the same kind of work that they’re doing right now,” he wrote Sunday on his Substack.I ran Smith’s argument by several economists who think a lot about these issues, and they…

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Even when her pancreatic cancer began to invade her spine in the summer of 2021, my mother-in-law maintained an image of grace, never letting her own pain stop her from prioritizing the needs of others. Her appointment for a nerve block was a month away, but her pain medications enabled her to continue serving her community through her church. Until they didn’t.Her medical condition quickly deteriorated, and her pain rapidly progressed. No one questioned that she needed opioid medications to live with dignity. But hydrocodone, and then oxycodone, became short at her usual pharmacy, and then at two other pharmacies.…

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Let us pause here to stress that the MAGA king is still making the Senate trail bumpy. On Tuesday, Ohio Republicans picked Bernie Moreno, a businessman blessed by Mr. Trump, to challenge the Democratic senator Sherrod Brown in November. In the final weeks of his campaign against two Republican rivals, Mr. Moreno leaned into dividing the party along MAGA lines. “The Never-Trumper movement is still alive in Ohio. It’s the last gasp of breath,” he declared. “And on Tuesday, we’re going to kill that last gasp of breath.” Mr. Moreno will now roll on toward November and try to win…

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To the Editor:Re “New Rule Aims to Push E.V.s to Fore” (Business, March 21):I am 100 percent for electric vehicles. I commend President Biden for making such a bold and forward-thinking proposal. But the reality is that this may never happen in today’s America. As your story notes, fossil fuel companies and Republican attorneys general are likely to file legal challenges.One thing that also needs to be addressed is the availability of the materials needed to make the batteries. We must realize how much damage is done to the environment in order to access these materials.E.V.s will never become mainstream…

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There’s no cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). But there are things you can do to stay active, breathe easier, and live longer — even if your condition is more advanced.Ask your doctor about all of your treatment choices. You might need medicine, pulmonary rehab, oxygen therapy, or lifestyle changes. Your health care team will work with you to figure out what’s best.What Lifestyle Changes Should I Make?If you smoke, quit. “There’s nothing that we can do, medically or surgically, that is going to be as beneficial to managing and improving your COPD as stopping smoking,” says Benjamin Seides,…

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Six of the seven justices in the majority were Democratic appointments. The one who wasn’t, Samuel Nelson, was nominated by John Tyler, who was a Democrat before running on the Whig ticket with William Henry Harrison. Five of the justices were appointed by slave owners. At the time of the ruling, four of the justices were slave owners. And the chief justice, Roger Taney, was a strong Democratic partisan who was in close communication with James Buchanan, the incoming Democratic president, in the weeks before he issued the court’s ruling in 1857. Buchanan, in fact, had written to some of…

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