Author: Lance Garrison

A persistent theme in Republican campaigning these past few years has been the effort to portray Democrats in general, and President Biden in particular, as being soft on China — in contrast to Donald Trump’s supposed toughness.One of the major planks in the G.O.P. case against Biden’s China policies, by the way, was that he was showing his softness by not banning TikTok. This looks ironic now, since Trump, who had favored a ban, suddenly reversed his position, reportedly around the same time that he had a sit-down with a billionaire who donates to Republican campaigns and has a large…

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She (we’ll call her Janice, age 41) was unhappy with her husband (we’ll call him Pat, 42). After several years of Pat’s inability to sustain an erection, Janice started blaming herself and lost confidence in her sexual appeal. She began to doubt the value of their marriage and decided to see a sex therapist for counseling.After her first few sessions with Rhode Island-based certified sexologist and sexuality educator Megan Andelloux, Janice gained the courage to ask Pat to see a doctor to rule out a medical condition. That turned out to be the case: He had weight issues that were…

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In a 2011 case, Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, the Supreme Court struck down a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors. The 7-to-2 decision featured three Democratic appointees joining with four Republican appointees. Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, reaffirmed that “minors are entitled to a significant measure of First Amendment protection, and only in relatively narrow and well-defined circumstances may government bar public dissemination of protected materials to them.”The state certainly has power to protect children from harm — as laws restricting children’s’ access to alcohol and tobacco attest — but that power…

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Holding on to previous romantic attachments creates feelings of distrust and can stymie an otherwise promising relationship. So are you wondering if your honey’s heart still rests in the hands of a past love? There’s no way to know for sure without talking to your partner about your concerns. But how do you know when you need to have that talk? Here are 10 signs that it may be time to bring it up.We all compare our current romance to ones we’ve had in the past, and an occasional reference to an old steady is no cause for alarm. “But,”…

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Women today have been told we have it all — careers, families, kids, community involvement, and relationships. But all too often, having it all leaves us with no time or strength left for ourselves.Recent research has shown that women today are less happy than they have been over the past 40 years. There are many theories about why, but lack of free time can be a major reason.”There’s a tremendous amount of stress and pressure put on women: being parents, being daughters, mothers, wives, professionals. All of these roles combined leave many of us not taking adequate care of ourselves…

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Pregnancy is supposed to be a blissful time when women glow in the joyful anticipation of their new arrival. At least, that’s what we’re led to believe from movies and TV shows. For many moms-to-be, those 9 months are anything but idyllic.We asked a group of moms to share what they disliked about pregnancy, and what got them through the most difficult parts.My first pregnancy overall wasn’t too bad — some annoyances, but overall it went well. The second time was much different. I had 24/7 nausea for the first trimester. And unlike my first pregnancy, I couldn’t rest. (Chasing…

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By Lynnette Galbier, as told to Allison BoltIt all started in 2019, about 6 months after I had my youngest daughter. What I thought was only an old running injury flare-up turned out to be seronegative rheumatoid arthritis (RA).I have two toddler-age girls at home who don’t fully grasp what it means to be in pain. Plus, I’m a Pilates and barre teacher with a movement-oriented job. I’ve spent the past 2 years discovering how I can balance RA, kids, family, career, and all of life’s daily tasks.Through figuring out how to manage my symptoms, juggling family, taking time for…

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I found Bradley Cooper’s biopic of Leonard Bernstein, “Maestro,” incurious in a related way. To build an entire film around Bernstein’s being gay or bisexual — with “West Side Story,” his masterful teaching on television and even the radical politics that led to the famous Black Panthers fund-raiser in his home left out or barely perceptible — is an almost boorish reduction of a life, soul and talent. Cooper’s focus reflects neither how life felt to Bernstein (which I have heard about from friends of his) nor how he should be presented to those new to him.Imagine if Cooper was…

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March 28, 2024 — If you’ve been in a drugstore recently or shopped online, you know: The number and variety of over-the-counter health products on the market — from cough syrups to anti-wrinkle creams — can be overwhelming. Which to choose and which to bypass?  Which work best?In a new report released today, U.S. News & World Report has attempted to answer those questions. The publication partnered with the Harris Poll for the second consecutive year to produce the report, ranking products in 132 categories based on input from pharmacists and dermatologists. Consumers can access it free of charge.The list is…

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To the Editor:Re “Energy Appetite in U.S. Endangers Goals on Climate” (front page, March 18):The projected new growth in power demand does present new challenges, but we have the policy tools to address them and still achieve U.S. climate goals. New power sector standards from the Environmental Protection Agency and a long-needed new transmission rule from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will help the grid become more resilient and reliable.But, given the challenges, we need much more action. Utilities, regional grid operators and federal energy agencies need to plan ahead and better assess future power needs. From there, they must…

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