Author: Lance Garrison

To the Editor:Re “‘Shortcuts’ Paint a Picture of Boeing Ceding Quality” (front page, March 31):The sad story of Boeing unfortunately seems to be a metaphor for this country. We have quality issues all over our infrastructure; we have world-class institutions struggling to maintain standards; we have political brands that are being devalued because of extreme positions by some leaders.Boeing — before being taken over by management brought in through the McDonnell Douglas acquisition in 1997 — was by far the best plane maker in the world. But new management in the post-merger period stressed return on investment and profitability rather…

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Government, like fish, rots from the head down. Mr. Trump’s example freed up cabinet members to award huge contracts to their friends, business associates and political allies, while others ran their departments like personal fiefs. After the State Department’s inspector general was fired, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s use of official trips for clandestine meetings with conservative donors and his family’s alleged misuse of staff members for tasks like walking his dog, picking up his wife from the airport and fetching his takeout came to light. And, in addition to being accused of improperly accepting gifts from those seeking influence,…

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That’s the part that I can’t shake: We’ve let tech companies and their products set the terms of the argument about what education should be, and too many people, myself included, didn’t initially realize it. Companies never had to prove that devices or software, broadly speaking, helped students learn before those devices had wormed their way into America’s public schools. And now the onus is on parents to marshal arguments about the detriments of tech in schools.Holly Coleman, a parent of two who lives in Kansas and is a substitute teacher in her district, describes what students are losing:They can…

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The columnist Michelle Goldberg recently reported from a rally for the independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. She entered the event believing he would be a spoiler in the election, but whose chances might he spoil — President Biden’s or Donald Trump’s? In this audio essay, hear what Kennedy’s supporters told her about what’s motivating them.Below is a lightly edited transcript of the audio piece.“The Opinions” is a collection of audio essays from Times Opinion. To listen to this piece, click the play button below.Michelle Goldberg: I’m Michelle Goldberg. I’m a columnist for the New York Times Opinion section.…

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No sooner had a nearly unanimous United Nations Security Council passed a resolution demanding an “immediate cease-fire” in Gaza last month than the United States and Israel acted as if it were a meaningless piece of paper. Israel, unwilling to accept a U.N. mandate, continued bombing the overcrowded southern city of Rafah and besieging Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. Shortly after the vote, Biden administration officials called the resolution, No. 2728, “nonbinding,” in what appeared to be an attempt to deny its status as international law.It was a confounding approach from an administration that allowed the resolution to go through…

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The captivity of the pro-life movement to the character of Donald Trump is a crucial aspect of contemporary abortion politics. But maybe not quite in the way suggested by Trump’s decision this week to publicly distance himself from his pro-life supporters by refusing to endorse national restrictions on late-term abortions.That refusal was a sign of the anti-abortion movement’s political weakness but not necessarily a major blow to its cause. The contemplated legislation was unlikely to pass the Senate no matter what stance Trump took, and positioning the G.O.P. as a defender of state-based regulation usefully focuses abortion opponents on their…

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In these circumstances, she added, political leaders “can threaten businesses with tax audits, more regulation, even criminal charges, unless they give in to the autocrats’ demands.”The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, Scheppele wrote in her email,is a blueprint for autocracy. In fact, it’s a direct copy of the plan that Viktor Orban used to take over the Hungarian government in 2010. If it is carried out, Project 2025 will concentrate huge power in the hands of the president, giving him the power to control the whole federal government at his whim. If business leaders think that this will benefit them and…

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If I were Israel, I’d take a weakened Hamas over Somalia, for two reasons.I have no illusions that the morning after a cease-fire commences and Sinwar comes out, some will wildly cheer him for the hurt he inflicted on Israel. But the morning after the morning after, Sinwar will face brutal questioning from Gazans: Where’s my house, where’s my job, who gave you the right to expose my children to death and devastation?It is the best punishment I can imagine for Sinwar. Let him own all of Gaza’s travails that he so recklessly exacerbated — not Israel. Only Palestinians can…

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Even though two of Maria Davis-Pierre’s children have autism spectrum disorder, it never occurred to her that she might be on the spectrum, too. Now 38 and a licensed mental health therapist, Davis-Pierre had long blamed her symptoms on ADHD, with which she was diagnosed in college. It wasn’t until her psychiatrist mentioned it that the possibility even crossed her mind.“My ADHD had been getting worse and when I talked to my psychiatrist about my symptoms he asked if I’d ever been tested for autism,” Davis-Pierre says. Maria Davis-Pierre Looking back, it all makes sense. But for Davis-Pierre, who had become…

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April 9, 2024 — For Ryan Wong, weekends were always a desperate attempt to play catch-up on sleep. The 34-year-old human resources manager from Cheyenne, WY, said his nights often involved tossing and turning, leaving him exhausted. Daytime naps were “tempting,” he said, but “always left me groggy and weirdly out of sorts.”It wasn’t until Ryan decided to focus solely on improving his nighttime routine that his sleep issues resolved.“I swapped afternoon naps for a calming bedtime routine. I read, do light stretches, and have a lukewarm bath. Sticking with it made a world of difference,” he said. The way you sleep…

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