Author: Lance Garrison

Since then, the convergence between the center right and the far right in Europe has gone further. The lesson that center-right parties drew from the rise of right-wing populism was that they needed to adopt some of its rhetoric and policies. Conversely, some far-right parties have become more moderate, albeit in a selective way. At a national level, parties from the two camps have governed together, both formally, as in Austria and Finland, and informally, as in Sweden.Yet the most striking illustration of this convergence is the harmonious relationship between the European center right and Giorgia Meloni, the leader of…

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I’ve been concerned from the start that Israel launched its invasion of Gaza to eradicate Hamas with no plan for what to do with the territory and its people in the wake of any victory. Having just spent a week in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates taking the pulse of this important corner of the Arab world, I am now even more worried.Let me summarize my concerns this way: Because Hamas built a vast tunnel network under Gaza, Israeli forces, in their quest to eliminate that vicious terrorist organization, are having to destroy huge numbers of structures. It’s…

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In a season of widespread condemnation of antisemitism, many struggle to define it. I can imagine having this conversation with any number of people trying to understand this age-old phenomenon:Question: I’m having trouble making sense of some of the claims and counterclaims being made about what is, or isn’t, antisemitic speech and behavior. To be honest, it doesn’t help that so many prominent Jews have sharply different takes on the subject.Answer: Two Jews, three opinions.That sounds like a stereotype.It is. It’s also one of the few things that most Jews agree is true of us as people.OK, so in your…

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Delicious foods that help you diet? It sounds too good to be true.No doubt: Weight loss involves math. You have to eat fewer calories than you burn.”Certain foods can help you shed body weight,” says registered dietitian Heather Mangieri, RD, “because they help you feel full longer and help curb cravings.”Some even kick up your metabolism. So take this list when you go to the supermarket.Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.Start a…

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Three weeks ago Argentina elected Javier Milei as its new president. Milei ran on a radical libertarian platform, whose most notable proposal called for eliminating Argentina’s currency, the peso, and replacing it with the U.S. dollar.At this point it’s unclear whether Milei will actually follow through on that promise, or how radical a break he will actually make with previous policies in general; I don’t pretend to understand what’s currently happening in Argentine politics. But the fact that many people apparently believed that dollarization would solve Argentina’s problems was just the latest example of the enduring power of magical monetary…

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To the Editor:Re “Republicans Are Finding Out That ‘Pro-Life’ Has Too Many Meanings,” by Liz Mair (Opinion guest essay, Dec. 6):Ms. Mair, a G.O.P. campaign strategist, writes about all the desperate ways Republican politicians are trying to explain their stance on abortion now that their decades-long fight to make it illegal has taken a step forward.It seems her clients are scrambling, surprised to find that “rank-and-file G.O.P. voters are not as pro-life as we might have thought.”The medical community is not surprised. You see, there are no party affiliation requirements for unplanned or medically doomed pregnancies. Doctors have seen staunch…

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Dec. 12, 2023 — Wearable technology has been a game-changer for consumers. From rings and watches to wristbands, patches, and clothing, information that once required a bunch of confusing calculations is now available anytime, anywhere with a flick of the wrist or a glance at a smartphone. Continuous glucose monitors – devices that help people with diabetes avoid dangerous and extreme changes in blood sugar levels – are among the most recent wearables to grab attention. Approved by the FDA for use in diabetes, millions of consumers are jumping on the CGM bandwagon with encouragement from social media influencers and promises…

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[INDISTINCT BACKGROUND SOUNDS] [MUSIC PLAYING] “We might call that a cold case, right? There’s no evidence. There’s no — there’s no murder weapon. There’s no crime. It’s a crime scene, but the culprit, the criminal, has left. It was just — it was incredible, because everything was big, abundant, weird, fascinating birds and animals running all over the place. And the first night we were there, we go out into this beautiful stream.” [FOREST SOUNDS] “There is moss everywhere. It’s just draping the trees. It’s on the ground. And everything is wet and sodden. And the most amazing frog is…

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Polgreen: Wow.Mehta: In the Indian Parliament, a senior B.J.P. leader. He has not been rebuked by his party. He has been rewarded with more respect. So you are now empowering a set of people, an ideology, and sending out a signal that if you want to move up in this political system, you have to engage in acts of hate or violence or commit yourself publicly to this project. I mean, this is completely unprecedented. It’s a shattering of norms.Polgreen: It’s really striking to me that we’ve gotten to this place now, where you have India emerging on the global…

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