Author: Lance Garrison

Tim Alberta: Well, it’s easy to forget now, but much of the high-profile evangelical leadership in 2016 was really resistant to Donald Trump and helped to organize behind Ted Cruz. It wasn’t until Trump had sealed up the nomination, really, that support from white evangelical figureheads started to coalesce. And it was understood, I think to be transparently, unapologetically transactional: Trump was promising these people that he would not only deliver them policy wins on abortion and religious freedom and culture war issues, but that he would also give them a seat at the table, that he would empower them…

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The conflict could still take an unexpected turn, as it has before. But the prospect at this juncture is of a long war of attrition, inflicting ever more damage on Ukraine, sacrificing ever more lives and spreading instability over Europe. The way things are going, “Ukraine will for the foreseeable future harbor Europe’s most dangerous geopolitical fault line,” argues Michael Kimmage, author of “Collisions,” a new history of the war. He foresees an endless conflict that would deepen Russia’s alienation from the West, enshrine Putinism and delay Ukraine’s integration into Europe.That, at least, is the bleak prognosis if victory in…

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To the Editor: Re “Campus Allies of Palestinians Feel Muzzled” (front page, Dec. 18):When pro-Palestinian supporters feel muzzled, afraid to present their views on campus, and Jewish students, intimidated by pro-Palestinian language, also feel uncomfortable expressing their opinions on the Middle East, universities no longer become safe harbors for expression.When both sides are reluctant to express themselves, stereotypes and exaggerations dominate: Palestinian, anti-Zionist protests are conflated with antisemitism, and Jewish students’ criticisms of Israel are presumed to reflect a total rejection of a Jewish state rather than reasoned criticisms of Israeli policies.As public opinion scholars have long noted, in these…

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A company backed by Silicon Valley’s most powerful investors, including the LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and the venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, assembled a land empire outside San Francisco and announced a bold vision to build a brand-new city — and was immediately castigated by the world’s urbanists.Critics describe the effort by the company, Flannery Associates, as greed in urbanism’s clothing that would create an environmental disaster in the form of a mere commuter suburb. As more details emerge about the ugly tactics used against local landowners, the project appears increasingly likely to drown in its creators’ hubris. But beneath Flannery…

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Dec. 26, 2023 – “Eczema is my constant winter companion,” said Ali Zagat, 42, of Philadelphia. Once cold weather arrives, so do dry, red patches on her hands and painful cracks on her knuckles and fingertips. “I have sensitive skin and eczema in general, but when the air is dryer and it’s cold outside, it gets worse.”There are clear reasons for this, said Julia Tzu, MD, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. “Our skin is constantly fluctuating with the environment. During wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere, the humidity drops sharply…

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John Szarkowski, the legendary curator at the MoMA, once described photography as “the act of pointing.” And for the nearly 200 years since its inception, photography has consisted of capturing a visual perspective from the physical world using light — first with light-sensitive plates, then film, then digital sensors. When digital cameras became widely available, many photographers lamented the move away from analog technology but basically Szarkowski’s definition still held: Photography consists of pointing, as a reaction to something that exists in the world.With advent of A.I. image generators, however, this definition feels obsolete.Generative A.I. tools can produce photorealistic images,…

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