Author: Lance Garrison

To the Editor: Re “It’s Time for the U.S. to Give Israel Some Tough Love,” by Thomas L. Friedman (column, Dec. 23):For all the hand-wringing and empty rhetoric over the war in Gaza, Mr. Friedman has been one of the few voices of sanity and logic. One can only hope that the White House stops digging itself further into the quagmire created by Israel’s insane leadership and implements his appeal for a rational approach to ending the horror.It’s such a straightforward, logical approach: total Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the return of all hostages and a permanent cease-fire under international supervision.…

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The age-old question of whether or not size matters is typically directed at men. But although they might not talk about it, some women may worry about the size of their vagina and how it affects sexual pleasure, particularly after having a baby.Not a lot of research has been done in this area. Because so many things affect women’s sexuality, it’s hard for researchers to know if vagina size and sexual pleasure are linked.“Our ability to understand size as it relates to sexual function is poorly understood,” says Christopher Tarnay, MD, director of the division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at…

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Nikki Haley drew criticism this week for what she didn’t say. As she campaigned in New Hampshire for the Republican presidential nomination, a person asked her to name the cause of the Civil War.Ms. Haley, a former South Carolina governor, joked it was not an “easy question.” She then mentioned “how government was going to run,” “freedoms,” the need for “capitalism” and individual liberties. When the questioner observed that she hadn’t mentioned slavery, she asked, “What do you want me to say about slavery?”She told a radio interviewer the next morning that “of course” the war was about slavery, that…

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Nighttime heartburn affects four out of five people who suffer regular heartburn and acid reflux. The discomfort and bitter taste can make sleep uncomfortable, even elusive.While over-the-counter and prescription drugs can treat symptoms once you have heartburn, “the cornerstone of treatment for any disease or disorder is prevention,” say Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, and Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, in their book Healing Heartburn.Fortunately, sometimes all it takes to prevent nighttime heartburn is a few lifestyle changes. WebMD turned to the heartburn experts to get their tips on stopping nighttime heartburn before it hits — so you can sleep well…

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The U.S. government’s efforts to stop Russia and China from using American equipment to boost their defense sectors has resulted in tough rules — but leaky enforcement. As a result, American-made tools keep turning up in Russian missile factories and in Huawei’s supply chain. With war in Europe and China threatening its neighbors, that’s just not good enough.The United States and its allies make the most advanced tools for both precision metalworking and semiconductor manufacturing. With international tensions rising, the United States and its allies have been right to try to prohibit adversaries from using these tools to manufacture weapons…

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The pleasure we take from food is an important human good. Having recently enjoyed a food-centric holiday season, we should look back on its comforts and delights — the crisp, glistening latkes, the marzipan-studded stollen, the jam-bellied butter cookies — with fondness and relish, not guilt, shame, or self-hatred. Food connects us to ourselves, and with each other, and there are real harms in teaching people to reframe the pleasure they take from such fare as a problem to be treated with medication. Given that 81 percent of the people taking Wegovy in the United States last year were female,…

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As a candidate, Joe Biden said he would substantially reduce the federal prison population as president. Last week he commuted the sentences of 11 people who he said were serving unjustifiably harsh prison terms for drug offenses and also pardoned people convicted of certain marijuana charges. Still, the number of people in federal prison has grown during the Biden administration.Despite historical bipartisan support for sentencing reform, Mr. Biden has failed to fully embrace the momentum of his two immediate predecessors, who made substantial efforts to tackle mass incarceration. Some have argued that his relative inaction on the issue may hurt…

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Challenges to disqualify Donald Trump from the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment are popping up all over the country. On Thursday, the secretary of state of Maine ruled that Mr. Trump would be ineligible for the state’s primary ballot, a decision that can be appealed to the state’s Supreme Court. On Wednesday, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled narrowly that the state will allow Mr. Trump to stay on the primary ballot — but left open a potential future challenge to his inclusion on a general-election ballot.But so far only one — the Colorado Supreme Court’s…

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Published Jan. 1 Photograph by Brandon Watson “This week has been incredibly hectic. We were not prepared for the storm, but we’re doing the best we can. The community has been really supportive. Everybody saying thanks, stopping by, praising us. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for us. It’s who we are. This is what I signed up for. They say Buffalo is the City of Good Neighbors, and I’d like to live up to that.” —⁠ Matthew Tyson, Buffalo Published Jan. 8 Photograph by Clara Mokri “I’ve been a trainer for just over 10 years. A lot of people set…

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Something strange happened during our recent Times Opinion focus group, the 18th and final one of 2023. When we asked the participants (13 Democrats, Republicans and independents) how they felt about the economy, we didn’t hear the same chorus of complaints that our other groups pretty consistently intoned all year. Our participants were by no means cheery, but several were upbeat, and even the Trump voters in the group weren’t aggrieved about the economy — so much so that our focus group moderator, Frank Luntz, looked a little surprised and said, “OK, this is not that bad. In fact, this…

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