Author: Lance Garrison

It’s striking how much Afghanistan, which has the unfortunate legacy of being the site of America’s longest war, has all but disappeared from public discussion in the United States. But perhaps it’s understandable. After all, there always seems to be another conflict, another war — which, as it happens, is also Afghanistan’s history.Since 1979, Afghans have lived in almost perpetual conflict. Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes or their country. Foreign interventions have come and gone, ending in failure, leaving Afghans and their neighbors to live with the consequences.Today, America’s longest war is over. The U.S.…

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But I felt I was missing out. The modest dress code at my all-girls religious school required long skirts. What would it be like to wear jeans? To date an actual boy? Despite my exposure to pop culture, I was sheltered. I had a monster crush on the singer Ricky Nelson, who I did not realize was dead. I had no clue about sex. I conjured a ruddy-cheeked Australian boy I imagined would move in next door, eventually appearing at my window to take me away from all this.You might not infer any of this from meeting me now. I’m…

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What nobody can bring themselves to say is that the Elfstedentocht is gone.Over.“Foarby.”Living in a country protected from the sea by huge manufactured barriers, we are starting to understand that even these heroic constructions will not be strong enough for climate change. I’ve often imagined the collapse of dune and dike, and the cultural losses such a cataclysm would bring. If the western Netherlands — all those cities, at or even below sea level, with all those museums and libraries — were swept in the sea, which treasures would we miss most? (I’d stuff the Frans Hals group portraits, in…

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And after getting a look under the hood, the picture appeared much more complicated — and less dire than the “collapse of American marriage” contemplated by The Post — for young Americans and their potential future relationships. To start, what’s often ignored in the marriage panic discourse is that over the 10-year period from 2011 to 2021, the divorce rate has gone way down, as well. Also: Among the interviews that I read, there were a couple of L.G.B.T.Q. respondents; one in five members of Gen Z identifies that way, so the growing political divide between men and women in…

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Patrick Healy: Katherine, the Iowa caucuses are 12 days away — the first chance some Americans will have to vote again for Donald Trump or decide if they want to go in a different direction. Trump has a lead of roughly 30 percentage points in several Iowa polls over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. What do you see driving the race in Iowa right now? Can anything stop Trump?Katherine Miller: This is the part of an election cycle where the stakes and ideas really get tangled up with who voters think has the best shot of winning, polls, money and…

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Jan. 2. 2024 – The holidays are a time of togetherness and cheer, celebration and joy. But they’re also a time of excess. Excess fattening foods, alcohol, stress, and other unhealthy things can harm your heart and blood vessels. As a result, the number of heart attacks and strokes during the winter rises dramatically, and with fewer people seeking the medical care they need, cardiac deaths also spike.Research shows that cardiac deaths increase by nearly 5% from Dec. 25 until Jan. 7. For those who already have a higher risk of a cardiovascular event like a heart attack or stroke, stress…

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