Author: Lance Garrison

This chart, which hasn’t been published elsewhere, is disappointing. It shows a steep drop in 2022 in the global weighted average price per metric ton of carbon dioxide emissions:Making it more expensive to put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is the market-oriented way to keep the planet from overheating. A high price tag on emissions gives emitters the incentive to switch to cleaner energy sources. It also raises the prices of energy-intensive products, encouraging consumers to choose ones that are friendlier to the environment. And so on.From a low in 2012, the world was making steady progress toward raising the…

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When Robert Kraft traded a first-round draft pick to the New York Jets in 2000 in exchange for the right to hire Bill Belichick, N.F.L. insiders considered it “an awfully steep price,” as one put it, and a journalist mocked him for being “snookered.”Convinced that Belichick was a coaching savant, Kraft ignored the naysayers.Belichick also knew what critics were saying. He had an undistinguished record as a head coach, and Kraft was a relatively new owner of a franchise that had never won a championship.Hours before Belichick’s first game as head coach of the New England Patriots on Sept. 3,…

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The Whiskey Rebellion is a slightly different case, since it was a more diffuse phenomenon, not a single political event, and some of its happenings were more mob-like and thus more like Jan. 6. But we remember it as a “rebellion” precisely because it grew into something more than just the tarring and feathering of tax collectors. Its escalation, in fact, resembles the American Revolution (not a surprise given the historical context) in its movement from spontaneous protests to committees of correspondence to conventions to a militia revolt against federal authority, culminating in the formation of a rough-and-ready army that…

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Jan. 12, 2024 – The labels on prenatal supplements, commonly taken by people during pregnancy to promote maternal and fetal health, often misstate the amount of nutrients the product contains, according to a government report released Thursday.Experts from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a nonpartisan government agency providing fact-based information to Congress, found that 11 of the 12 over-the-counter supplements tested had at least one nutrient above or below the levels noted on the labels. Of the 11 that had nutrients above or below the levels on the label, one product had an average amount of folic acid that “may cause a…

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To the Editor:Donald Trump is beatable, but President Biden increasingly looks like the Democrat least likely to beat him. There is time for contenders to start showing up and campaigning so that the voters can see who would have the best chance to hold on to independents and reasonable Republicans, turn out the young and minority voters, and keep voters from drifting to third parties.If Mr. Biden stays in the race and loses to Mr. Trump, everything he has accomplished will have been for naught or worse. If Mr. Biden gets out of the race and the Democrat wins, he…

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It was a hot July day in Nashville. Sekou Writes, a 51-year-old writer based in New York, had just given a speech at a graduation ceremony for a youth summer program he had been leading. He stepped down from the podium when everything froze.“I dropped the [paper] program that I had been holding,” Writes says. “I was reaching for it, but I couldn’t get to it. I was just stuck there.”The next thing he remembers was hands on his back, but he couldn’t turn to see who was holding him up. “From that moment on, it’s just snippets of things that…

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This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email with any questions.[MUSIC PLAYING]michelle cottleFrom New York Times Opinion, I’m Michelle Cottle.ross douthatI’m Ross Douthat.carlos lozadaI’m Carlos Lozada.lydia polgreenAnd I’m Lydia Polgreen.michelle cottleAnd this is “Matter of Opinion.”[MUSIC PLAYING]My friends, it is election go time. We are rolling into the last weekend before gaggles of Iowa Republicans gather at their caucus sites to kick off the actual voting in this year’s presidential race. It is time for…

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Jan. 12, 2024 – Sneezing, coughing, sniffling – it may seem that everyone you know is sick with some type of respiratory virus right now. At present, the United States is getting hammered with such illnesses, with visits to the doctor for respiratory viruses on an upward trend in recent weeks. Data from the CDC’s wastewater surveillance system shows that we are in the second-biggest COVID surge of the pandemic, with the JN1 variant representing about 62% of the circulating strains of the COVID-19 virus at the moment. So why does no one seem to care?The Pandemic Is Still With UsIn…

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Do you know what a Zynbabwe is? Or an upper-decky lip pillow? OK, here’s an easier one — how about just Zyn?If you are scratching your head, don’t feel bad: Almost no adult I have spoken to has had any idea either. This is despite the fact that the nicotine pouch Zyn is a jewel in the crown of a multi-billion-dollar tobacco company. Haven’t heard of nicotine pouches to begin with? Neither had I. But when I ask my 19-year-old neighbor Ian if he knows what a Zynbabwe is, I get a shocked reply: “You know about Zyns?”You may have…

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[MUSIC PLAYING]ezra kleinFrom New York Times Opinion, this is “The Ezra Klein Show.”[MUSIC PLAYING]So before we begin today, we have a couple of open jobs on the show. One, a researcher role which will be central in our political and policy coverage in 2024, and an associate engineer role who will be helping to engineer the show, making this whole thing happen, making it into actual audio that sounds good. If either role seems up your alley, you can find the links to them in our show notes.[MUSIC PLAYING]I find it almost impossible to fully apprehend how crazy this political…

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