Author: Lance Garrison

People swear they were only using 100% cannabidiol (CBD), yet they failed their drug tests anyway. But urine screenings don’t check for CBD, so how can using this cannabis compound get you in trouble?“CBD will not cause a false positive,” says Steven Dudley, PharmD, a clinical toxicologist and director of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center. “When people who use CBD products test positive for a cannabis or marijuana drug test, it’s linked to one thing: contamination with THC.” Many CBD companies tell you their products contain small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana that gets you…

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The conventional wisdom has long been that a presidential candidate should pick a running mate who provides some extra vitamins or different flavors. If you’re a rib-eye, you do broccoli. If you’re pralines and cream, you choose cookie dough.But if you’re Donald Trump, that makes no sense whatsoever. You double down, which means you double Donald.Because if you’re Trump, your whole brand — your whole point — is to defy norms and break rules. Everyone else calls Putin a snake in the grass? You declare him the bee’s knees. Everyone else says tomato? You say ketchup.And if you’re Trump, you…

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Most cat owners would do just about anything for their pet. So if they see their animal suffering, some are exploring the use of cannabis products to try to relieve their companion’s pain. As more states make cannabis (marijuana and hemp) available for human medical and recreational use, some veterinarians and pet owners are also choosing it for animal care. But this treatment is more complicated than other medicines you and your vet might consider. That’s because of a patchwork of state and federal laws about its legality and the long, messy political history tied to any use of cannabis – both…

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As the trailer announcing the new film put it, “This isn’t your mother’s Mean Girls,” and indeed, it isn’t. Regina no longer uses the R-word, nor calls her friend “dyslexic”; her followers are no longer derided as an “army of skanks.” Even the infamous Burn Book is now nicer — or, if not exactly nicer, at least avoids particular rhetorical land mines: “fugly slut” is now “fugly cow.” Dawn Schweitzer, once a “fat virgin,” is now a “horny shrimp.” (What is a horny shrimp? Don’t ask me. I spent way too much time asking teenagers if there was some joke…

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Feb. 1, 2024 — Confidence can be built in many ways — working out, practicing self-care, being kinder to yourself — and new research shows that what you eat might have an impact. Specific nutrients can boost feelings of self-esteem by feeding your brain and subsequently affecting your emotions in a positive way. A recent study from the Universidad Europea de Valencia in Spain found that both vitamin D supplements and following a well-balanced eating plan like the Mediterranean diet improved participants’ overall mental health. Diving deeper, Polish researchers conducted a research review and found that certain foods can actually be…

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If you learn that you have heart failure, don’t let the name mislead you. Your heart hasn’t failed. Rather, you have a condition in which your heart has trouble pumping oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body.“That can result in a backup of fluid into the lungs and congestion in the lungs, causing shortness of breath, chest pain, and fatigue, as well as the backup of fluid elsewhere in the body,” says Brent Lampert, DO, a cardiologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.Depending on how serious your heart failure is, you may notice swelling in…

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Produced by ‘The Ezra Klein Show’Political analysts used to say that the Democratic Party was riding a demographic wave that would lead to an era of dominance. But that “coalition of the ascendant” never quite jelled. The party did benefit from a rise in nonwhite voters and college-educated professionals, but it has also shed voters without a college degree. All this has made the Democrats’ political math a lot more precarious. And it also poses a kind of spiritual problem for Democrats who see themselves as the party of the working class.[You can listen to this episode of “The Ezra…

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In Israel, the Shoah, or Holocaust, has often been spoken of in recent years alongside tekumah, meaning rebirth, after the survivor generation chose to rebuild a nation rather than lose itself to grief and vengeance. Molded by that spirit, Israel became a refuge for Jews in danger the world over, and has healed its relationships with Germany and other nations that perpetrated or enabled the Holocaust.I work at Israel’s national Holocaust remembrance center, Yad Vashem, where I teach Israeli 12th graders about the Shoah and prepare them for school trips to Poland. As the last remaining members of the survivor…

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Given that the statement came just two days after he had been handed a temporary setback by the Supreme Court in one of the three pending border-related lawsuits between Texas and the federal government, it was viewed by many on the left (and in the media) as outright defiance of the justices’ ruling, if not a flashpoint for a burgeoning constitutional crisis. Meanwhile, right-wing media — and an alarming number of Republican elected officials — egged Mr. Abbott on, encouraging him to do exactly what his critics claimed he was already doing, that is, to ignore the Supreme Court in…

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As the mother of a school shooter, Jennifer Crumbley’s reputation has stains that can never wash clean. Ms. Crumbley is now spending her days hunched in a Michigan courtroom, weeping at times as she listens to the testimony against her. The jurors may condemn her to prison, or they may absolve her, but she will always be a walking symbol of gun violence and bad parenting.On Nov. 30, 2021, Crumbley’s 15-year-old son, Ethan Crumbley, drew a 9-millimeter semiautomatic handgun from his backpack and opened fire, killing four students and wounding seven people at Oxford High School. His parents had bought…

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