Author: Lance Garrison

I’ve spent the past few days traveling from New Delhi to Dubai and Amman, and I have an urgent message to deliver to President Biden and the Israeli people: I am seeing the increasingly rapid erosion of Israel’s standing among friendly nations — a level of acceptance and legitimacy that was painstakingly built up over decades. And if Biden is not careful, America’s global standing will plummet right along with Israel’s.I don’t think Israelis or the Biden administration fully appreciate the rage that is bubbling up around the world, fueled by social media and TV footage, over the deaths of…

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Whether you’re a meal planner and grocery list maker or figure-it-out-as-you-go shopper, you’ll see the grocery store through different eyes when you have type 2 diabetes. “It was a difficult process,” says Christina Herrera de Banchs, an educator in Dallas. “No one really tells you what to look out for, especially foods high in sugar. Even natural fruits are high in sugar. Doctors just tell us to eat better.” “Better” means something different to everyone. Which foods will benefit your blood sugar? Which ones should you avoid? Insulin resistance keeps your body from processing carbs easily, which means keeping your blood sugar in…

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Babies can be pretty gassy. It’s common for them to pass gas 13-21 times each day! Why so much? Infants have plenty of chances to swallow air, like when they:Eat, whether food comes from a breast or bottleSuck a pacifierCryWhen air gets trapped in your baby’s belly, you may notice that they:BurpGet fussyAre bloatedCryFartHave a hard tummySometimes, gassy babies might seem like they’re seriously uncomfortable or in pain. How can you know if there’s another problem?”If your baby is generally happy and only fusses for a few seconds while passing gas, that’s a sign that it’s normal,” says pediatrician Jennifer Shu, MD.…

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Whenever I write about falling inflation, I get a lot of comments and mail to the effect that grocery prices have doubled under President Biden and are still soaring. So a few days ago, first on social media and then in a blog post, I pointed out that they haven’t and aren’t. Here’s what the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics looks like:According to the bureau, prices of groceries for home consumption rose 19.6 percent between January 2021 and January 2023, then another 1.2 percent over the following year. Yes, grocery prices are up a lot, but not nearly…

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new video loaded: Two by Louis JohnsontranscriptBacktranscriptTwo by Louis JohnsonLouis Johnson, the choreographer of “The Wiz,” could “outdance anyone.” Watch two rarely seen performances here.[JAZZ MUSIC] “(SINGING) Troubles? Any old troubles Troubles? Any old troubles Give me your troubles one by one I’ll trade them all for a bag of fun Any old troubles Tears? Any old tears Tears? Any old tears Sun’s going to rise in the morning, yes Set in the evening with a sweet caress Any old tears Pain? Any old pain Pain? Any old pain I don’t care what you’ve been told All that glitters sure…

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In 1950, a young Black man traveled north from Washington to New York City. He was stunningly handsome and on the shorter side; his cheekbones sat high in a face hewed for the screen. Against all odds, the 19-year-old Louis Johnson had been accepted into the School of American Ballet; later on, he would describe himself as the “first Black Black” student there.Or as Thomas DeFrantz, a professor of African and African American studies, dance and theater, put it, the few Black students who had previously been enrolled at the School of American Ballet were “what we call fluorescent beige.”For…

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Feb. 27, 2024 – When you message your health care provider about an appointment, a prescription refill, or to answer a question, is artificial intelligence or a person actually answering? In some cases, it’s hard to tell. AI may be involved in your health care now without you realizing it. For example, many patients message their doctors about their medical chart through an online portal. “And there are some hospital systems that are experimenting with having AI do the first draft of the response,” I. Glenn Cohen said during a webinar hosted by the National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation.Assigning administrative…

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Michigan is home to the largest percentage of Arab American voters of any state. On Tuesday, Democratic voters there are heading to the polls for the primary — and the Listen to Michigan movement is encouraging them to vote “uncommitted” rather than for President Biden. The movement’s activists want Biden to call for a cease-fire and end military funding to Israel. The columnist Michelle Goldberg traveled to Dearborn, Mich., and in this audio essay meets with Layla Elabed, Listen to Michigan’s campaign manager, hoping to understand the activists’ aims and what Democrats need to do to win back their support.(A…

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To the Editor:Re “Could Long Covid Be the Senate’s Bipartisan Cause?,” by Zeynep Tufekci (column, Feb. 20):Like one of the people you interviewed, I, too, was an “Energizer bunny” before I contracted Covid. I worked as many as 18 hours a day for an aerospace company, got A’s in my grad school classes, ran my own nonprofit and served on the board of directors of several other nonprofits.However, two active Covid infections within three months — in June and August of 2022 — left me virtually bedridden with long Covid for 18 months. I wasn’t able to complete my master’s…

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