Author: Lance Garrison

The word “homeless” may conjure up images of shelters and living outdoors. But for millions of Americans, homelessness means sharing a home with multiple families or sleeping on a couch. In this audio essay, the New York Times Magazine contributing writer Linda Villarosa shares her reporting on “doubling up” and makes the case for the government to expand the definition of homelessness.(A full transcript of this audio essay will be available within 24 hours of publication in the audio player above.)This episode of “The Opinions” was produced by Derek Arthur. It was edited by Alison Bruzek and Kaari Pitkin. Mixing…

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that literary critics are the most annoying people in the world. They’re elitist, or undignified. They’re divisive. They’re snobs. Their profession is, in fact, dead, and has been for decades. And upon realizing that they are irrelevant, they take themselves way too seriously.Overseeing the development of a literary culture, which is part of a critic’s job, is a process of fits and starts. Critics play a role in determining which books published today should be branded “instant classics,” which authors are best described as “little-known” and which books published in past decades or centuries…

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There’s no getting around the fact that Donald Trump and President Biden are senior citizens and therefore may have trouble convincing young voters that they’re attuned to their concerns. “Young people are more engaged with people that look like them and share their lived experiences,” said Ashley Aylward, a senior researcher at HIT Strategies, a public opinion research firm that focuses primarily on younger voters and underrepresented communities. And, she says, because young voters are good at detecting slick and phony marketing, campaigns “kind of have to take this backdoor approach of reaching them through where their interests already are…

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On the tapes, as he rambles on about world affairs — his colleagues rarely dare to interrupt him — Mr. Hussein can be impressively shrewd and prescient. In October 2001, days after Mr. Bush announced the American-led war on Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Mr. Hussein asked his cabinet: “If America established a new government in Kabul according to its desires, do you think this will end the Afghan people’s problems? No. This will add more causes for so-called terrorism instead of eliminating it.” In the face of American hostility, he dodged and feinted, motivated by two goals above all:…

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Much to fear about another Donald Trump presidency: The existential threat to U.S. democracy. The potential abandonment of traditional allies in Europe and elsewhere. The cozying up to dictators like Vladimir Putin. And the danger he poses to our strong economy.Our economy? Yes, while Trumponomics 1.0 had major flaws (like the deficit-expanding tax cut giveaways to business and the rich), Trumponomics 2.0 is downright scary.Although Mr. Trump has yet to issue a formal plan, the unalterable conclusion based on what has dribbled out from his campaign speeches, video monologues and his current set of advisers is that he will follow…

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“A war is slowly brewing,” Pilkington argues in a 2021 article, “Generation Against Generation.” “It pits parents against their children and children against their parents.”As the share of the population made up of working-age men and women declines and the share of the elderly grows, Pilkington foresees a futurein which overworked young people may see nominal wage increases. But asset markets will inflate more rapidly than their incomes, and the rise in the prices of goods will outstrip their wage gains. In other words, they must run in place with lower real incomes while they rent property from older people…

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You know managing your type 2 diabetes may bring challenges, but you shouldn’t feel this way in your doctor’s exam room. If you feel that you have unanswered questions about your condition, you may be able find ways to share your concerns and get better care. Being your own advocate and speaking up is key for managing your type 2 diabetes.Self-advocacy is representing your own interests as you manage your condition. It will help you as you  find, evaluate, and use information for your health. Learning to be your own advocate can help you feel like you’re in control of…

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Ask any 15-year-old if they know any spoiled kids, and they’ll rattle off a slew of examples (maybe with a hint of envy): one friend whose parents gave her a $2,000 shopping spree, another who got a new car at 16 … you get the picture. But if you’re the parent of a newborn, don’t sweat it, at least not yet. You can’t spoil a baby.Contrary to popular myth, it’s impossible for parents to hold or respond to a baby too much, child development experts say. Infants need constant attention to give them the foundation to grow emotionally, physically and…

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William of Orange was chief magistrate of the Dutch Republic when, during a seemingly hopeless defense against English and French attackers in 1672, he was offered terms he shouldn’t have been able to refuse: to capitulate in exchange for becoming its sovereign prince.“He rejected it with the utmost Indignation,” wrote Daniel Defoe, “and when One of them ask’d him what Remedy he could think of for the Ruin of his Affairs, answer’d, He knew of One effectual Remedy, viz. to lie in the last Ditch; intimating, that he would dispute every Inch of Ground with the Enemy, and at last…

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From helpless newborn to active toddler: It takes just 12 short months for your baby to undergo this incredible transformation. Babies grow and change at an astounding pace, and every month brings new and exciting developments.New moms and dads often wonder what to expect next and how to know if their baby’s development is on target. Instead of focusing too much on developmental milestones, however, it’s important to remember that babies all develop at their own pace. There’s a fairly wide “window” for when it is normal for a baby to reach a particular developmental stage.“If your baby reaches one…

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