Author: Lance Garrison

March 1, 2024 – You may be familiar with the basic steps: Slow down, notice what you’re eating, and enjoy your food. But mindful eating can be more nuanced, and if done with intention over time, it can change your relationship with food and benefit your health, experts say.Even if you spend your day rushed – eating breakfast during your morning commute, having lunch at your desk, and heading home to dine in front of the television – you can make it work. “Start small. Start with just one bite,” said nutritionist Linn Thorstensson, Dip NT mNTOI, director of the Center for…

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In 2016, Rachel Winograd began to see methadone patients who relapsed or left the treatment program where she worked start overdosing and dying at unprecedented rates. The culprit was illicitly manufactured fentanyl, which is generally 50 times as strong as heroin — with some variants an astonishing 5,000 times as potent. Fentanyl had begun to overtake heroin in Missouri.“We were just seeing people drop like crazy,” said Dr. Winograd. But to her utter shock, staff members did not distribute naloxone, which is also known as Narcan, a nasal spray or injection that can reverse opioid overdose, to try to save…

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To the Editor:Re “Arab American Fury Toward Biden,” by Charles M. Blow (column, Feb. 29):While I understand the passion and concern of many Arab Americans for the horrors unfolding in Gaza and share their ire at my tax dollars being used to obliterate innocent civilians by the thousands, I am deeply worried about single-issue fury justifying not voting for Democratic leaders.Donald Trump has never indicated the slightest interest in or concern for the plight of the Palestinian people. His interests lie more in making deals to accrue personal power or make money.But my real concern is for freedom, for environmental…

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Photo Credit: E+ / Getty ImagesSOURCES:Camilo Andrés Ruiz, DO, medical director, Choice Physicians of South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, FL.Marri Horvat, MD, Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center, Cleveland, OH.Alon Y. Avidan MD, director, UCLA Sleep Disorders Center; professor, UCLA Department of Neurology, Los Angeles.Cleveland Clinic: “What’s the Best Temperature for Sleep?” “How Exercise Affects Your Sleep,” “Back, Side or Stomach: Which Sleep Position Is Best for You?” “Is It Healthy to Drink Water Before Bed?” “Do You Wet the Bed After a Night of Drinking? Here’s Why.”Journal of Physical Anthropology: “Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm.”Sleep Advisor: “10 Best…

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On Thursday, President Joe Biden and presidential candidate Donald J. Trump separately toured strips of the border flanked by federal and state agents. For both, there was an eerily similar use of border security backdrop, signaling the decisive role it and immigration will play in the election.Their visits were but another reminder of how the border is used for political theater. Across South Texas, where I lived in recent years, I have repeatedly witnessed federal and state agents convert tiny slivers of the border into sites of violent spectacle. On a stretch of the Rio Grande where I went bird-watching,…

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Many Americans don’t get as much good-quality sleep as they need, even though they spend enough time in bed, according to a new WebMD survey of 2,000 people. Over 7 in 10 of those surveyed (73%) rated their sleep over the previous month as “good” or “very good.” And 63% spent at least 7 hours in bed each night. (Experts say most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.) At the same time, just a little over a third of people surveyed (36%) said they actually slept for at least 7 hours. On average, they snoozed for just 5.7 hours per…

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2023 was a year of downsizing, diminishment, shelving, sidelining, retrenching, retreating and bet hedging. And 2024 is the year of consequences. The plain fact is that, thanks to the strikes, there simply aren’t enough movies and new shows in the pipeline to give the business the boom year it badly needs. (This weekend’s big opening, “Dune: Part Two,” was delayed from its original 2023 premiere date because of the strikes’ disruption.) For Hollywood, it will take at least a full year for the supply lines to start flowing at capacity again — and there are fewer supply lines than there…

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When you think about what’s likely to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, you might picture noisy neighbors, a fussy child, or a snoring partner. But some things that aren’t so easily dealt with – like your age, gender, and where you live – could also affect how well you sleep, according to a WebMD survey of more than 2,000 people. How Does Age Affect Sleep?Doctors have long known that sleep patterns change as we age. Older people have more disruptions to their sleep, get less sleep overall, and spend less time in the deepest stages of sleep. But interestingly,…

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Produced by ‘The Ezra Klein Show’Joe Biden’s presidency has been dominated by two foreign policy crises: the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. The funding the United States has provided in those wars — billions to both Ukraine and Israel — has drawn backlash from both the right and the left. And now, as the conflicts move into new stages with no clear end game, Biden’s policies are increasingly drawing dissent from the center.[You can listen to this episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” on the NYT Audio app, Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google or wherever you get your podcasts.]Richard Haass…

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Who will we be — Israelis and Palestinians — when this long, cruel war comes to an end? Not only will the memory of the atrocities inflicted on each other stand between us for many years, but also, as is clear to us all, as soon as Hamas gets the chance, it will swiftly implement the goal clearly stated in its original charter: namely, the religious duty to destroy Israel.How, then, can we sign a peace treaty with such an enemy?And yet what choice do we have?The Palestinians will hold their own reckoning. I as an Israeli ask what sort…

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