Author: Lance Garrison

I hope President Biden doesn’t show up for his State of the Union address on Thursday with a Snickers bar. Politico reported last month that Biden abruptly asked people at a dinner whether they had “seen that article about the Snickers bars,” an apparent reference to this guest essay in The Times about why voters are so upset about inflation.Biden is obsessed with high prices because voters are, and he knows that to beat Donald Trump in November he needs to make a strong case that he’s wrestling inflation to the ground. I get that.But there are good ways and…

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To the Editor: Re “Trump and Biden Pile Up Victories on Super Tuesday” (front page, March 6):I listened to Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victory speech that he gave from Mar-a-Lago. True to form, the former president laced his comments with old grievances and false statements.Perhaps the most perplexing thing Mr. Trump said was that our elections are “third-world” (as in rigged or stolen) — all the while celebrating his primary victories. Huh?This won’t be the last time Donald Trump makes false statements about the 2020 election results specifically or the 2024 results generally. If what’s past truly is prologue, then…

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March 5, 2024 — There’s a widespread – and long-held — belief that swallowing a low-dose aspirin pill every day can help protect you from heart attacks and strokes. Almost 30 million Americans take aspirin to prevent a first cardiovascular event (“primary prevention”), and nearly 40% of those over 50, around 49 million people, are taking aspirin either for primary prevention or for secondary prevention after they’ve had a stroke or a heart attack.However, experts have begun to question aspirin’s effectiveness, prompting health care professionals to reevaluate the role of aspirin in primary prevention. In 2019,  the American College of Cardiology/American Heart…

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With Donald Trump’s victories on Tuesday, he has moved to the cusp of securing the 1,215 delegates necessary to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. The rest is a formality. The party has become a vessel for the fulfillment of Mr. Trump’s ambitions, and he will almost certainly be its standard-bearer for a third time.This is a tragedy for the Republican Party and for the country it purports to serve.In a healthy democracy, political parties are organizations devoted to electing politicians who share a set of values and policy goals. They operate part of the machinery of politics, working with…

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March 6, 2024 – It turns out there may be something to the “weekend warrior” mentality after all. A recent study suggested that concentrating all your exercise into just 1 or 2 days could work as well for fat loss as spreading it throughout the week. The research builds on growing evidence that the weekend warrior exercise pattern can aid your health. A 2023 study of nearly 90,000 people found that weekend warriors were less likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure than inactive people. Another study of nearly 351,000 adults found no difference in risk of early death between weekend warriors and…

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Between 1935 and 1975, old-age security was arguably, next to military might, the central preoccupation of American policy. The passage of the Social Security Act (1935) and the Medicare and Medicaid Act (1965) are just the two most famous examples. Every year, legislation streamed from Washington that addressed problems in housing, nutrition and care for older people. Some of it was good, some of it was bad, but together that flood of legislation created an admirable safety net for American seniors. And throughout, this safety net benefited Americans of all ages. One of the most important aims of Social Security,…

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In a Dec. 26 Times guest essay, “A Trump Conviction Could Cost Him Enough Voters to Tip the Election,’ Lake, Norman Eisen, special counsel for the 2019-20 impeachment of President Trump, and Anat Shenker-Osorio, a political consultant, write:Why do the polls register a sharp decline for Mr. Trump if he is convicted? Our analysis — including focus groups we have conducted and viewed — shows that Americans care about our freedoms, especially the freedom to cast our votes, have them counted and ensure that the will of the voters prevails. They are leery of entrusting the Oval Office to someone…

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No doubt about it, protein is good for you — and can even help you shed those unwanted pounds. But (and you knew there was a “but,” right?), it’s important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get the lifelong weight-loss results you want.Here are 10 terrific sources of lean protein:1. Fish2. Seafood3. Skinless, white-meat poultry4. Lean beef (including tenderloin, sirloin, eye of round)5. Skim or low-fat milk6. Skim or low-fat yogurt7. Fat-free or low-fat cheese8. Eggs9. Lean pork (tenderloin)10. Beans

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What that means practically is that more colleges and universities need to differentiate their offerings. As Jeffrey Selingo, the author of “Who Gets In and Why” and one of my favorite thinkers on higher education, put it in his newsletter:the way college leaders have long defined differentiation is simply by tweaking the same product offered by thousands of other institutions for the same type of student (i.e. the 18-year-old, well-prepared high-school graduate whose parents attended college). Rather, they need to understand that learners of all ages have vastly different needs and then design very different programs that appeal to them.Selingo…

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