Author: Lance Garrison

But when I rewatched the film, which is up for best picture on Sunday, I realized it’s a smarter movie than that, and truer to life as well. The broad premise of “Past Lives” may be “who will she choose?” but the reason it’s an affecting experience is not that it’s concerned with abolishing tropes or righting representational wrongs. Instead, it’s a story about three good people, trying to do right by one another, fumbling, faltering but finding their way through.For Nora, the only fitting choice in the end is her husband, Arthur, not because he is (or isn’t) white…

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As your child reaches the 8- to 12-year-old age range, you may begin to notice subtle and obvious signs that they’re no longer a youngster but not quite a teen. Welcome to the “tween” years!This in-between stage of development is a time of change. Your kid starts to be more independent. They may hit puberty. And their peers’ opinions outrank yours.“Sometimes, it catches parents by surprise,” says pediatrician Sarah Ann Anderson-Burnett, MD, PhD, a Columbia University specialist in adolescent medicine.Tween parents: Does this sound familiar?Puberty brings on all the body change you recall from your own youth: Getting taller. Body…

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When President Biden weighs American policy toward Gaza, may he think of a gentle scholar named Mohammed Alshannat.Alshannat is a Palestinian in Gaza who at the start of the war was working remotely on his Ph.D. dissertation in linguistics for Rhodes University in South Africa. He is the opposite of Hamas, for in his writing he has criticized suicide bombings and rocket firings. He admires European democracy and argues that Arabs and Jews can live in harmony.I have been texting him during the war, but his main outside contact has been Lindsay Houghton, a fellow doctoral student at Rhodes. With…

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Joe Biden is one of the most unpopular presidents in modern American history. In Gallup polling, his approval ratings are lower than those of any president embarking on a re-election campaign, from Dwight Eisenhower to Donald Trump.Yet an air of mystery hangs around his lousy polling numbers. As The Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Simonson noted recently, just surfing around most American media and pop culture, you probably wouldn’t realize that Biden’s job approval ratings are quite so historically terrible, worse by far than Trump’s at the same point in his first term.Apart from anxiety about his age, there isn’t a…

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To understand today’s manifesting culture and what it means, we need to look deeper into history — beyond the 21st century and back to the 19th, to a little-known but once extraordinarily popular American religious tradition known as New Thought, or the “mind cure.”New Thought can be traced back to the 1800s and a New England faith healer named Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Quimby wondered why, when given the same treatment, some of his patients got better and others didn’t. The answer, he concluded, had to do not with a fault in his methods but rather with a discrepancy in his…

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We asked 10 Times columnists and contributors to watch the State of the Union address on Thursday and rate President Biden’s performance. (A rating of one meant that the night was a disaster, 10 that it was a triumph.) Most were impressed. Some were a bit surprised. “Where has this Joe Biden been hiding these past three years?” Bret Stephens asked. Michelle Goldberg wrote, “What an unexpectedly rousing speech!”We also wanted to know what our readers thought, so we asked you to rate the speech and share what you thought were the best and worst moments. More than 1,000 of…

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Space travel, obviously, has been the engine of this civilization’s development and spread. A.I., on the other hand, has been invented, embraced and then explicitly rejected through the long-ago convulsion called the “Butlerian Jihad,” which establishes as a commandment: “Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.”Transhumanism, meanwhile, has been rejected in some ways and embraced in others. In place of computers, Herbert’s galactic imperium has cultivated what we would consider superhuman mental powers, often via the use of mind-altering drugs — Google Gemini, absolutely not; psychedelics, maybe so. At the same time, the imperium’s…

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Keyes has written a book, “Education Is Freedom.” But what propelled him into becoming an influencer was an interview about his career and life lessons with The School of Hard Knocks, a social media account that bills itself as “a university for everyone.” The interview has been viewed 25 million times on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. “I discovered it caught on from a combination of speaking to the kids where they are, which is social media, and leveraging my history with two iconic brands,” Keyes told me. “Normally a guy who looks or sounds like me would never have a…

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To the Editor: Re “In Pitch to Nation, Biden Says Trump Poses Dire Threat” (front page, March 8):In the State of the Union address we heard an aggressive and effective Joe Biden present a clear vision of America and his policies for the future.While he spoke, we saw a vision of Donald Trump’s view of America and its future by watching the facial gestures and body language of Speaker Mike Johnson. At times he appeared anxious and uncertain how to respond. It was if Mr. Trump were talking into his ear.The country has struggled with whether Mr. Biden has the…

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Editor’s note: Doctors get burned out, too. Read the Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2024: ‘We Have Much Work to Do’March 8, 2024—Texts. Emails. Video meetings. Texts to remind you of upcoming video meetings.And on and on it goes, until what technology experts and psychologists call the digital dark side of technology — stress, anxiety, a feeling of being overloaded — wipes you out, jeopardizing your mental and physical health.However, preventing that burned out feeling is possible, experts say,  by practicing mindfulness, an age-old approach focused on being aware of your feelings in the moment without judgment or interpretation.…

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