Author: Richard C. Trotter

Imagine this: You’re about to jet off to the summer vacation of your dreams, and hopefully get some much-needed R&R. You get through the airport and finally settle into your seat on the plane. But after an hour or so, bam, a migraine strikes. That all-too-familiar throbbing headache pain spreads, you get woozy, and just feel overall…bleh. It may seem random, but flying (and travel in general) can make migraine attacks more likely to happen. It’s true—while everyone has different migraine triggers, being on a plane is a pretty common one for people who live with migraines. Before the airplane-related head pain…

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Worldwide interest in Korean culture isn’t limited to K-pop,  K-dramas, and 10-step skincare routines. Of all the yummy foods on the planet, everyone seems to be searching for a bibimbap recipe. In fact, bibimbap—a Korean rice bowl with veggies, fermented sauces, and a variety of fixings—landed the top spot of globally searched recipes in 2023. So why might bibimbap recipes, in particular, be surging in popularity as of late? “Bibimbap is comfort food, and everyone loves comfort food,” shares Maggie Moon, RD, a Korean–American dietitian and brain health nutrition expert for MIND Diet Meals. “People are curious about global flavors,…

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At age 15, I attended my first yoga class with my dad, who’d been going on and on about how much better he felt mentally and physically since he started practicing. His ranting got me curious, so I agreed to try out a 90-minute hot yoga class without much of a clue what I was getting myself into. (I’ve since become a certified yoga teacher.) About 20 minutes into the class, I was gasping for air, fighting the urge to either pass out or hurl. “This can’t actually be good for you—why do these people want to torture themselves like this?”…

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Love is in the air for your weekly horoscope for July 7-13, 2024! You’re ready to shake things up in your love life when Venus in Cancer links up with Uranus in Taurus on July 8. New, unexpected relationships may form, or perhaps you hear from someone surprising. This is also a great day to experiment in bed with lovers. On the same day, Mercury in Leo teams up with Jupiter in Gemini, lending support to your ideas. It’s an opportune moment for sharing your thoughts or brainstorming with others. You could learn some hopeful news or maybe feel like…

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The demands of today’s world, with digital screens and office work and meetings, can make outdoor time feel like a squeeze. But the many benefits of hiking—mental and physical—show us that it’s important to carve out time to recreate outdoors and connect with nature. Some researchers1 have even found that spending time in nature, regardless of exertion level, can result in lower heart rates and decreased feelings of anxiety. Hiking can conjure up mental images of scaling mountains and braving dangerous outdoor elements—but you don’t need to go to extremes (seriously, “soft hiking” is a thing). Visiting a local trail…

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We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you’re like most Americans, chances are you aren’t hitting your daily fiber goals. In fact, research shows that nearly 95 percent of Americans1 aren’t meeting the daily recommended intake of the nutrient on a regular basis, which can put folks at greater risk for developing chronic illnesses. But before you dive headfirst into the wonderful world of fiber, Charleston-based registered dietitian Lauren Manaker, RD, says there are a few things you should know before upping your intake ASAP. For starters, although eating more (more, and more!) fiber is the goal,…

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If you’ve ever spent too much time hunched in front of your computer or phone (guilty!) and later felt tension in your shoulders and neck, chances are the pain was coming from your trapezius muscles. Or, maybe you’ve reached up to grab something off a shelf or put your carry-on luggage in an overhead bin and felt a tightness or twinge across the top of your back. That sensation was likely coming from your traps as well. Oh, and when your mother told you to stand or sit up straight? You guessed it—your trapezius muscles are also necessary for good…

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Warm weather plus extra time spent outdoors is a recipe for summer fun, but it’s also that time of year when mosquitoes and ticks seem to be everywhere. Sure, it just comes with the territory, but experts warn that insect-borne infections and illnesses are on the rise. And this could be the perfect storm with the 2024 Olympic Games happening in Paris this summer. Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning about the increased risk of dengue fever—a virus transmitted by certain mosquitoes. Although it’s usually found in tropical areas, dengue is on the…

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We’ve all been there: 3 p.m. rolls around on a gloomy Friday afternoon, and all you can think about is getting into comfies and watching the latest rom-com. But when pressing deadlines prohibit you from slamming your computer shut the moment your eyes begin to droop, it might be time for a little midday energy boost. But the real question is: Can your digestion handle yet another double shot of espresso to get you through the day? According to Sarah Robbins, MD, a gastroenterologist, gut health expert, and the founder of Well Sunday, not all energy-boosting drinks are created equal.…

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The only thing worse than sweating for hours on a hot, sticky day is realizing the steamy conditions ended up giving you a heat rash. You may notice it right when you get inside, or hours later when you get itchy skin after showering. For fast cooling relief, you might turn to a heat rash cream. Heat rash is a red rash marked by small, blister- or pimple-like bumps and itching. In some cases, it can also cause mild swelling or burning. (There’s a difference between heat rash vs. sun poisoning, BTW.) It happens when sweat gets trapped in your…

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