Author: Richard C. Trotter

When you think “protein powder,” you might automatically conjure up visions of a gym bro chugging a shake between reps. But thanks to a growing interest in protein-forward diets, more and more of us have taken the plunge into protein supplementation. A 2023 survey conducted by Cargill found that 29 percent of American consumers said protein is even more important to them than it was the year before. And with the surge of interest in protein comes success for protein supplementation—a market that’s worth an estimated $5.83 billion. And with a concurrent surge in plant-based eating, even vegans can get…

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With cold and flu season in full swing, chances are that you or someone you know has the misfortune of a stuffy nose. And while serious illness warrants a visit to your doctor’s office, a stuffy nose from the common cold or even the flu can benefit from nutrient-rich home remedies. In fact, there are plenty of foods for a stuffy nose that may offer relief. Here we’ll dive into what nutrients have been found to help relieve sinus congestion, as well as some excellent food (and beverage) sources to help you quickly recover. Nutrients to soothe a stuffy nose…

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When kids run, they don’t track their heart rates or pay attention to their paces. They just zoom along however fast as they like, and they often laugh while they do it. That kind of joy in running can be rare to capture as an adult. But there’s one workout that brings a bit of that fun back: the Fartlek. Sure, the term may sound a little silly. For that, you can blame the Swedes—Fartlek translates as “speed play” or “speed game” in Swedish. “I like to remind my athletes that [Fartleks are] just basically playing with speed in a…

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Last week, Pluto moved back into Aquarius after entering the change-agent sign for the first time in our lives last year. (Psst: This is one of the biggest astrological events of 2024.) And along with Pluto, we’ve officially entered a new era. As you find your footing in unfamiliar territory, your weekly horoscope for January 21 to 27, 2024, brings moments of illumination and solutions to the forefront. Your vibe shifts from carefree to serious on January 23 when Venus, the planet of relationships, enters no-nonsense Capricorn. You may be planning for the future or be focused on establishing a…

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General stigma, defined as “a set of negative and unfair beliefs that society or a group of people have about something,” is everywhere. You may have heard it in regards to mental health (e.g., “You can’t be sad since your life is going so well right now”), menstrual health (e.g., “Periods are disgusting and embarrassing”), and physical ability (e.g., “Only elderly folks need hearing aids”). These examples only scratch the surface of how far stigma reaches and what it can look like. Another one of those many, many examples that we don’t talk about enough is weight stigma. And considering…

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Perhaps the most iconic representation of lucid dreaming in modern media (besides the Sleepy Time episode of SpongeBob Squarepants, IMHO) is the 2010 film Inception. The movie centers around a group of spies who use dreams to tap into the minds of their targets to implant—and extract—important info. Throughout the film, they traverse shared dreamscapes, carefully towing the line between reality and subconsciousness. Whether you’re one of the lucky few who “got” the entire movie or left the theater scratching your head, you may be wondering what lucid dreams are, exactly, and if Inception’s portrayal was accurate. While dream-hopping with…

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With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission. Happy shopping! Explore the SHOP For 15 years, Sunday Riley pioneered the beauty industry with skin-care products that are “powered by science, balanced by botanicals,” many of which are highly sought after and for good reason. Each product contains high-quality, effective ingredients that suit all skin types and help achieve healthy, glowing…

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Oookay, January. Somehow, it seems to sneak up more and more suddenly every year—and with it, my annual recommitment to slowing down and actually giving self care a try. This year, that goal feels more daunting than ever, because I recently welcomed a little person into the world, which means I’m not exactly winning in the whole “make time for me” arena. But I also know—especially considering this major life change—that self care has never been more important. And by the end of every snuggles- and sniffles-filled day, I’m in desperate need of a little wind-down. So, this January, I…

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This past spring, I wrote an unhinged short story, in which the Lorax (from the Dr. Seuss book of the same name) falls into heady, toxic love with the Camel from the cigarette brand. The idea came to me during something of a creative renaissance (that only lasted for about two weeks) that left me feeling inspired to write… cartoon smut, obvi. During this short stretch, the tulips on Park Avenue were finally coming back into bloom. I was quitting my job to go back to school. The lady who smokes on my stoop was reading Jane Fonda’s book on…

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With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission. Happy shopping! Explore the SHOP You know your skin better than anyone. Every day, you look in the mirror and study your face as if you are examining a Renaissance painting, keeping track of new lines and blemishes or when you’re having a particularly dewy skin day. In my own recent study…

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