Author: Reyna Baker

Cheat on ordinary popsicles with Questified Mint Avocado Popsicles. You know the dream where it’s a summer afternoon, and you’re chilling with a Mint Avocado Popsicle? We’re about to make that dream come true. With creamy avocados, refreshing mint, and a touch of vanilla protein powder combined into a smooth, delicious popsicle that’s dipped into rich chocolate & crumbles of Quest Chocolate Coconut Crispy Protein Bars. A sweet summer treat so refreshing, you’ll hardly believe it’s real. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO MINT AVOCADO POPSICLE Yields: 20 servings |  Serving Size: 1/2 popsicle Calories: 140  | Protein:…

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We’ll get straight to the point: You should get an updated Covid vaccine when it’s available this fall. Per the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone aged 6 months and older should get the 2024-2025 vaccine. So, unless you’re a tiny baby, that means you. (If you are a tiny baby reading this — respect — you’re already making good choices.) We don’t know exactly when the updated vaccine will be available — the CDC said this fall — but we’re putting it on your radar now so you have a plan in place…

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Triglycerides are lipids, a fatty substance found in your blood. Any time you eat, your body turns calories it doesn’t need right away into triglycerides that are stored in fat cells. These triglycerides are then released between meals to provide energy. When a person regularly takes in more calories than they burn, their triglyceride levels may get too high. High triglycerides are linked to clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), which may lead to cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, stroke and heart attacks. And very high triglyceride levels may lead to inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis. How are triglycerides measured?Triglycerides are…

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English Los cánceres más frecuentes en Estados Unidos incluyen el de mama, el de pulmón, el colorrectal y el de la piel (melanoma). Sin embargo, los cánceres menos frecuentes pueden ser igual de graves. Los cánceres de cabeza y cuello, por ejemplo, son casi el 4% de todos los cánceres en Estados Unidos y afectan a decenas de miles de personas a nivel mundial. El término cáncer de cabeza y cuello se refiere a un grupo de cánceres que empiezan en los senos paranasales, la nariz, la boca, la garganta, la laringe, los labios y las glándulas salivales. El consumo…

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As told to Jacquelyne FroeberJuly is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.I couldn’t catch my breath.I ran into my parents’ bedroom clutching my chest as I gulped for air. The look of panic on their faces only made breathing harder.Sitting on their bed, it felt like an eternity before I began to feel normal again. In reality, it was probably less than a minute, but it was enough time for my parents to rule out something life threatening or an object lodged in my throat. “Gosh, what was that?” they wondered out loud. I shrugged. I was 13 years old.…

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Orgasms are the gift that keeps on giving. Not only do they spark joy in IRT, orgasms can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and strengthen your pelvic floor among other sexy health benefits.Unfortunately, the big O can be elusive for some of us. This can be especially true for women and people assigned female at birth living with mobility issues.Impaired mobility can affect the nerves and joints in your back, hips, knees and hands — typically the body parts involved in sexual pleasure. Mobility issues may also affect sensitivity and the ability to have an orgasm in the first place.…

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English En lo que se refiere al VIH, hay noticias positivas: Las tasas de infección han disminuido desde 2017 y hay la esperanza del desarrollo de una vacuna contra el VIH. Pero todavía falta mucho trabajo por hacer en la comunidad transgénero, la cual es muy afectada por este trastorno. Un estudio realizado por los Centros para la prevención y control de enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) resalta el impacto desigual del VIH en la comunidad transgénero en Estados Unidos. La prevalencia del VIH en las mujeres transgénero es del 14.1%, del 3.2% para hombres transgénero y del…

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EnglishSara Ghandehari, M.D., hizo la revisión médica de este documento En Estados Unidos, el cáncer pulmonar es la causa principal de muertes de personas de todo género. Antes se consideraba frecuentemente que el cáncer pulmonar era un trastorno de hombres fumadores porque los hombres fuman, en general, más que las mujeres y fumar es el factor de riesgo principal de cáncer pulmonar. Pero según las investigaciones, las mujeres que fuman tienen mayores probabilidades de contraer cáncer pulmonar, incluso con una menor exposición al cigarrillos que hombres fumadores y nadie está seguro de por qué. Se piensa que la susceptibilidad genética…

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If you’re sick of hearing about all the ways technology is bad for us, here’s some good news to consider: Prescription digital therapeutics (PDTs) are among the latest digital health products helping to increase access to quality healthcare.PDTs and digital therapeutics in general are used to help prevent, treat and manage a range of mental and physical conditions via mobile devices like your smartphone. The difference between PDTs and other health apps is that PDTs are authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and require a prescription from your healthcare provider (HCP).PDTs offer unique options not traditionally seen during…

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Medically reviewed by Sara Ghandehari, M.D.In the United States, lung cancer is the main cause of cancer deaths in people of all genders.In the past, lung cancer was often thought of as a male smoker’s disease because men smoke at higher rates than women, and smoking is the leading risk factor for lung cancer. But according to research, women who smoke have higher chances of getting lung cancer and with less cigarette exposure than men who smoke, and no one is sure why. There ’s some thought that genes and biological susceptibility might play a role. In other words, simply…

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