Author: Reyna Baker

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber and Noelys Mendez August 14 is National Financial Awareness Day. I grew up in the countryside of Cuba in a traditional Cuban household. My father was the provider for the family. He worked — a lot — on the small farm we owned and he took care of all of our finances. My mother also worked incredibly hard making sure we had everything we needed. She took the money my father gave her and magically tracked down food, cleaning supplies, clothing, etc., which was a full-time job considering where we lived. Life moved at a…

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This educational resource was sponsored by Poise, a brand of Kimberly-Clark. Other Kimberly-Clark brands include Depend and Thinx for All Leaks.Medically reviewed by Lauri Romanzi MD, MScPH, FACOG, FURPSWhen it comes to bladder leakage, we’ve all got questions. Like, does everyone else avoid trampolines and Will Ferrell movies? Maybe those aren’t your exact same bladder leakage questions, but if you’re one of the 1 in 2 women who experience some sort of involuntary peeing, you probably have at least some questions. And we’re here to answer them. Let’s get down to the facts about bladder leakage. How many women/people assigned…

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EnglishTal como se relató a Erica Rimlinger Cuando mi hermana recibió el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama de etapa 2, ella y todos nuestros familiares nos conmocionamos. Ella era saludable. Era joven, tenía un poco más de 40 años. No había antecedentes familiares de cáncer de mama. Pero nuestra conmoción inicial estaría seguida de una serie de sustos posteriores que afectarían a toda la familia. Debido a la edad de mi hermana cuando le diagnosticaron, su equipo médico recomendó que se someta a pruebas para detectar mutaciones genéticas, incluyendo las mutaciones genéticas BRCA, las cuales se asocian a ciertos cánceres,…

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English Los triglicéridos son lípidos, una sustancia grasa que se encuentra en tu sangre. Cada vez que comes, tu cuerpo transforma las calorías que no necesita inmediatamente en triglicéridos que se almacenan en las células grasas. Estos triglicéridos se liberan luego entre comidas para proporcionar energía. Cuando una persona ingiere en forma regular más calorías que las que consume, sus niveles de triglicéridos podrían ser demasiado altos. Altos niveles de triglicéridos se asocian a arterias obstruidas (aterosclerosis), lo que puede causar problemas cardiovasculares tales como enfermedades cardíacas, accidentes cardiovasculares y ataques cardíacos. Y niveles muy altos de triglicéridos podrían hacer…

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As told to Erica RimlingerAs my mind groggily surfaced from anesthesia-induced sleep, my mom sounded far away as she delivered the news.“The doctor couldn’t do the operation,” she said. “There was too much cancer.”The next thing I remember was a kind chaplain entering my hospital room. Her presence made me feel at ease as she listened to my fears about the unknown. She said, “I’m not leaving this room until you make an appointment with an oncologist.”My brain quickly tossed off its blanket of sleep, and I thought, “This can’t be happening.” My next thought was, “I have six children…

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As told to Erica RimlingerWhen my sister received a diagnosis of stage 2 breast cancer, she — and all of our family members — were shocked. She was healthy. She was young, in her early forties. There was no family history of breast cancer. But our initial shock would be followed by a series of aftershocks that would affect the entire family.Because of my sister’s age at diagnosis, her medical team recommended she get tested for genetic mutations, including BRCA gene mutations, which are associated with certain cancers, including breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. She tested positive for a BRCA2…

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Are we saying goodbye to BMI?Body mass index (BMI) — the measure of body fat based on height and weight — has been around for decades. For years, your BMI has been used to determine whether you’re in a “healthy” weight range based on guidelines set by the World Health Organization. Since it was created in 1972, BMI has been a standard measure of health and a screening tool for diseases including obesity. It’s also used to track population-level trends among public health. But it turns out there are some serious issues with using BMI as an indicator of health…

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Cheat on orginary meatballs with Questified Pineapple BBQ meatballs. Elevate your backyard barbeque with Questified Pineapple BBQ Meatballs! These sweet and savory bites are sure to be a crowd-pleaser at your next summer cookout. Imagine juicy ground turkey meatballs with a crunchy twist courtesy of crushed Quest BBQ Protein Chips, baked to perfection & smothered in tangy pineapple BBQ sauce. These meatballs are a tropical vacation in every bite. No passport required. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO PINEAPPLE BBQ MEATBALLS Yields: 5 servings |  Serving Size: 3 meatballs Calories: 310  | Protein: 28g  | Fat: 14g | Net Carb:…

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Cheat on ordinary snacks with Questified Spicy Candied Bacon Cheese Crackers. Wanna turn up the heat on your favorite crackers? Picture this: Quest Spicy Cheese Crackers topped with crispy bacon, a sprinkle of sugar-free brown sugar, and a slice of jalapeño for that perfect sweet and spicy kick. Super easy to make. Even easier to enjoy. Pop ‘em in the oven, and in no time, you’ve got a spicy snack hack to wow your taste buds, and your friends. Check out the full recipe below: Quest August 2024 Recipe, W2 Spicy Candied Bacon Cheddar Bites NUTRITIONAL INFO SPICY CANDIED BACON…

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Cheat on ordinary desserts with Questified Lemon Blueberry Crisps. Enjoy a burst of sunshine in every bite with our Questified Lemon Blueberry Crisps! Picture this: juicy blueberries mingling with zesty lemon, all baked under a golden, buttery crumble that’s irresistibly crunchy. Then we take a couple Quest Lemon Cake Protein Bars and pile them on top. Serve it up warm with a scoop of ice cream on top and you’ve got a one-way ticket to dessert heaven. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO LEMON BLUEBERRY CRISP Yields: 12 servings |  Serving Size: 1/2 ramekin Calories: 90  | Protein:…

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