Author: Reyna Baker

Debora Grandison, a 63-year-old author in St. Louis, MO, first learned that she had issues with her heart in 1988 when she went into preterm labor. The labor stopped but the medications she needed caused complications, leading to a few weeks in intensive care where she was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and gestational diabetes. Grandison’s blood glucose went back to normal after she delivered her son, but her heart palpitations continued. Three years later, Grandison went to her doctor because she thought she had the flu. It wasn’t the flu. Her blood glucose levels had spiked to dangerous levels,…

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Bladder leakage, also called urinary incontinence, is a common condition that affects as many as half of all women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) at some point in their lives. And these numbers increase with age.Read on to learn about common causes of bladder leakage, ways to manage leakage and treatment options.This educational resource was sponsored by Poise, a brand of Kimberly-Clark.

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What do the following have in common? A) Public speaking in the nude B) Finding a rattlesnake in your underwear drawer C) Being held upside down over a cauldron of lava Answer: Most women would probably say these experiences are less terrifying than telling their partner they’re having bladder leakage during sex. But bladder leakage can, and does, breach the bedroom door. Medical studies estimate bladder leakage affects more than half of women at some point in their lives. And one study estimated that 6 of 10 women who have bladder leakage experience it during sex. If you don’t want…

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This educational resource was sponsored by Poise, a brand of Kimberly-Clark. Other Kimberly-Clark brands include Depend and Thinx for All Leaks.My friends and I knew the hot flashes were coming for us. And we’d heard the chatter about sleep disturbances and mood swings. Women are now more likely to be openly discussing the menopause symptoms previous generations weren’t even whispering about. But there remains one exception to this openness. Lurking in the dark corner of menopause conversations among friends is the symptom few want to discuss: bladder leakage.But it’s too common to ignore. More than half of postmenopausal women experience…

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To all women and people assigned female (AFAB) at birth sweating through nice tops in air conditioning — we see you. To everyone throwing off the sheets and sticking your head in the freezer at midnight — we feel you. To anyone looking at the bright red coil inside a toaster oven thinking, “That’s my insides!” — we hear you. Most women in perimenopause and menopause experience vasomotor symptoms (VMS), such as hot flashes, flushing and night sweats. In fact, more than 3 out of 4 women and people AFAB in North America will experience VMS associated with menopause. Read:…

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EnglishContado for Jacquelyne Froeber y Noelys MendezEl 14 de Agosto es el Día Nacional de la Conciencia Financiera. Crecí en Cuba, en un hogar cubano tradicional en el campo. Mi padre era el proveedor de la familia. Trabajaba mucho en una granjita que teníamos y se encargaba de todas nuestras finanzas. Mi madre también trabajaba increíblemente duro para asegurarse de que tuviéramos todo lo que necesitábamos. Ella tomaba el dinero que mi padre le daba y, como por arte de magia, encontraba alimentos, productos de limpieza, ropa, etc., lo cual era un trabajo de tiempo completo considerando dónde vivíamos. La…

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August 14 is National Financial Awareness Day.If managing money was easy, we’d all be Scrooge McDuck doing the backstroke in pools of gold coins and bragging about our cushy 401ks.But if the f-word — finance — makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. One recent survey found nearly 4 out of 10 women felt stressed about their financial situation and less than 2 out of 10 women felt on track to meet their financial goals. One reason for the stress: Women are paid less than men. And less money means less opportunity to save and invest.Today — in 2024 — women…

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Presentation Slides Obesity is a chronic disease that’s linked to over 200 other serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers. Women deserve access to the full continuum of treatment options for obesity. Watch as our experts explain the science of obesity as a chronic disease and why expanded coverage for all obesity care is critical to healthy outcomes. Opening RemarksBeth Battaglino, RN-CPresident and CEO, HealthyWomenModerator PanelistsDeb GordonCo-Founder and CEO of Consumer Health Advocacy, Inc.

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EnglishTal como se relató a Erica Rimlinger A medida que mi mente aturdida despertaba del sueño provocado por la anestesia, mi mamá sonaba como si estuviese lejos mientras daba las noticias. “El doctor no pudo llevar a cabo la operación”, dijo. “El cáncer estaba demasiado avanzado”. Lo siguiente que recuerdo era un capellán amable que entraba a mi cuarto en el hospital. Su presencia me dio tranquilidad mientras escuchaba mis temores acerca de lo desconocido. Dijo, “no saldré de esta habitación hasta que programes una cita con un oncólogo”. Mi cerebro despertó rápidamente, y pensé, “esto no puede estar ocurriendo”.…

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Cindy Eckert is passionate about a lot of things. Near the top of her list is your sex drive.Eckert is the founder and CEO of Sprout Pharmaceuticals — the company behind the first and only FDA-approved pill for female hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), or low sex drive. Eckert made history when the drug flibanserin (Addyi) was approved. But like many advancements in women’s healthcare, the road wasn’t easy. For one, it took Eckert six years to get FDA approval for Addyi. To put that into perspective, Viagra was approved in six months (more on that below). In 2015, Eckert…

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