Author: Reyna Baker

Taking prescription drugs may be more American than apple pie. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half the people in the United States report having taken at least one medicine in the past 30 days. (By comparison, just about 1 in 10 Americans say apple is their favorite pie.) Who decides what medicines are covered on your health insurance plan and at what price? You may think the drug maker, your health insurance company or your employer sets the rules and prices for prescription drug coverage — and they do all play a role. But…

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As of May 2023, 68 million Americans in the U.S. — 1 out of 5 people —- were unvaccinated against Covid-19, had not completed their primary series or had not gotten a booster dose. Now that a few types of Covid-19 vaccines are available, experts hope more people will feel comfortable getting vaccinated. Getting a Covid-19 vaccine isn’t a “take it or leave it situation” — you have the freedom to choose which one is right for you. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes the disease, Covid-19 Did you know? Corona means crown, and coronaviruses are named for the crown-like…

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Aproximadamente 4 de cada 10 adultos estadounidenses viven con obesidad, una condición médica que puede causar problemas médicos graves tales como enfermedades cardíacas, diabetes y cáncer. Hay tratamientos, tales como cirugías y medicamentos de disminución de peso que pueden ser útiles, pero también pueden ser caros. Por ejemplo, medicamentos recetados para disminuir de peso pueden costar aproximadamente $1000 al mes y cirugías de disminución de peso pueden costar incluso $30,000 sin la asistencia de seguros médicos. Puesto que la obesidad es una enfermedad, resulta lógico que las compañías de seguros médicos deberían pagar por los tratamientos contra la obesidad. Pero…

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We’re honored to have been nominated as a finalist in the Anthem Awards Community Voice Awards. In order to win, we need the most votes — and we’re up against some big orgs, so we’ll need your help to win. Please vote for us! Comic: Meg Gets a ColonoscopyI Walked into the ER with a Shoulder Injury — I Left with a Colon Cancer Diagnosis and 6 Months to LiveWho’s Most at Risk for Colorectal Cancer?

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Politics. Family drama. Taylor Swift’s boyfriend. It’s the most wonderful time of the year for awkward — and potientially disastrous — conversations. We’ve all been there. Standing in a group of people, looking nice in our holiday best, politely nodding while eyeing the dessert table. Then someone says something completely ridiculous and the next thing you know you’re never talking to cousin Becky again. But maybe it doesn’t have to be that way. “In these situations, it’s best to remember that you’re not going to change someone’s way of thinking. They have their truth and you have your truth,” said…

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Slide 1 ¿Vives con obesidad? Resumen de consejos para investigar la cobertura de seguros médicos para la atención de la obesidad Slide 2 La obesidad es una enfermedad que afecta a 4 de cada 10 adultos estadounidenses. Programas de medicamentos, cirugías, dietas y ejercicio, así como trabajar con profesionales de la salud mental puede ser útil para que personas disminuyan de peso, pero todo esto puede ser caro. ¿Cubrirá el seguro estos costos? Aquí encontrarás cómo descubrirlo. Slide 3 Los planes de los seguros médicos no cubren todo. Algunos servicios no tienen una cobertura específica. Revisa las exclusiones e inclusiones:…

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Slide 1: Choose to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones: Get Vaccinated Against Covid When it comes to vaccines, you have options Slide 2: Get Protected Covid vaccines can protect you from serious illness, being hospitalized and even dying from Covid. That means getting vaccinated can help you — and the people you care about. Slide 3: Get Peace of Mind* 8 out of 10 adults say being vaccinated against Covid gives them peace of mind when spending time with family, especially around the holidays. Also, feel safe when you: Go to the doctor Go to the movies Eat at…

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La vacunación contra el covid-19 es la forma más efectiva que ayuda a prevenir enfermedades graves, hospitalizaciones e incluso la muerte por dicha enfermedad. Las vacunas en general tienen buena tolerancia y pueden darte paz mental de que estás haciendo algo eficaz para protegerte a ti y a tus seres queridos. ¿Qué vacunas están disponibles para adultos? Vacunas proteicas: producidas por Novavax Vacunas ARNm: producidas por Pfizer-BioNTech y Moderna Las pautas actuales de los CDC indican que todas las personas de 5 años o más deberían obtener una vacuna actualizada al menos 2 meses después de la dosis más reciente…

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Medically reviewed by Paula Tanasa, M.D.If you’ve ever woken in the night with a gout attack, or flare, you know how painful it can be. Gout causes pain in joints, often for the first time in the big toe — and this pain can come and go throughout life. For some, managing these flare-ups can be challenging. Here’s what you need to know about gout — what it is, how it’s managed and how you can take steps to prevent long-term complications. What is gout? Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that causes painful flare-ups. Although the main symptom…

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