Author: Reyna Baker

Si tu sistema inmunológico no funciona plenamente, tienes un mayor riesgo de contraer una infección o enfermedad tal como el covid-19. Puede que inicialmente no consideres participar en un ensayo clínico que estudia medicamentos o vacunas nuevas, pero este tipo de investigación es clave para proteger a personas inmunodeficientes. ¿Cuál es el significado de “inmunodeficiente”? Tu sistema inmunológico está diseñado para combatir infecciones y enfermedades. Las personas “inmunodeficientes” tienen sistemas inmunológicos debilitados. Podrían tener mayores dificultades para combatir virus, bacterias y hongos que causan problemas médicos. ¿Qué hace que el sistema inmunológico se debilite? Existen muchas razones por las cuales…

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When was the last time you listened to a health podcast? What about a podcast on mental health?There are millions of options out there — literally. Which means there’s no shortage of health and wellness podcasts to enjoy (shout out to one of our favorites, The Great Girlfriends Show, who we’ve partnered with several times to talk about women’s health issues).To help you sift through the health podcasts with topics that appeal to women and people assigned female at birth, here are five options that are worth your time. 1. NPR Life Kit: Health From chronic constipation to choosing the…

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Tears are for more than expressing emotion during your favorite Nicholas Sparks movie — they also clean and moisturize your eyes. About 16 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with a condition known as dry eye disease, where you don’t make enough tears or they dry up too quickly. And it’s more common in women — especially around menopause. If you have dry eye disease, you might notice you wake up in the morning with dry eyes that are gritty, red and irritated. Dry eyes can also cause blurry vision. Luckily, there are treatment options that can…

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Las lágrimas hacen más que expresar emociones durante tu película favorita de Nicholas Sparks, también limpian y humectan tus ojos.Aproximadamente 16 millones de personas en Estados Unidos han sido diagnosticadas con una condición conocida como trastorno de ojo seco que hace que no produzcas suficientes lágrimas o que se sequen demasiado rápido. Y es más frecuente en mujeres, especialmente cerca de la menopausia. Si tienes el trastorno de ojo seco, podrías notar que despiertas en las mañanas con ojos secos, arenosos, rojos e irritados. Los ojos secos pueden hacer también que tu visión sea borrosa. Afortunadamente, existen opciones de tratamiento…

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Six years ago I woke up with a bad headache attack. My mouth felt like sandpaper. So did my eyeballs. I was hungover.My family and I went to a lot of parties that holiday season — I’m not complaining — but around New Year’s Eve I was craving a reset.So I decided to give up drinking in January.Back then, I didn’t know Dry January was a thing. No one in my social circle or family had ever mentioned it. Giving up alcohol for the month was just something I wanted to try for myself. The holidays were over, the kids…

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Tal como se relató a Erica Rimlinger Tuve mi primera mamografía a los 35 años, mi doctor empezó a examinarme en forma temprana debido a los antecedentes de cáncer de mi familia. Esa mamografía no mostró ningún problema. Tan solo 12 meses después, cuando me hice la siguiente mamografía, ésta reveló un tumor grande, que crecía rápidamente, y que ya había alcanzado la etapa 3A y mis ganglios linfáticos. Tenía 36 años y había vivido en Estados Unidos durante tan solo 14 meses. Ahora tenía cáncer de mama y muchas preguntas que deseaba hacer en un idioma que no conocía…

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From the Desk of Beth Battaglino, RN, CEO, HealthyWomenC. diff infection is commonly acquired and can be deadly. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones is with knowledge. Well actually, the best way is proper hand washing with soap and warm water (alcohol-based hand sanitizers won’t do the trick!) — but knowledge is the first step to fighting C. diff infection.When we say C. diff, we’re talking about Clostridioides difficile, a bacteria that can cause colitis, an inflammation of the colon, which triggers symptoms like severe stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea that last more than three days.…

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Abdominal pain and diarrhea had taken over Mary’s* life. Every few hours, she had to rush to the restroom, a pattern that eventually led to her losing her job. Worst of all, she couldn’t spend time with her grandchildren because she feared they’d also get sick. When she went to her appointment to see Teena Chopra, M.D., MPH, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at Wayne State University in Detroit, tests revealed the cause of her condition was a bacterial infection called Clostridioides difficile or C. diff. The infection caused her to develop colitis, an inflammation of the…

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Alex Fulton Alex Fulton has been working in the wellness field for more than 20 years. She has written extensively about integrative medicine, herbalism, supplements and other topics related to holistic health. Alex also focuses on issues related to women’s health, from menstruation to menopause. She has collaborated with physicians, midwives and functional medicine practitioners to promote natural approaches to health care for women. She has a BA in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Full Bio

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