Author: Reyna Baker

March is National Sleep Awareness Month. Sleep … elusive sleep. It’s a much needed, yet somehow complicated part of life, especially if you’re perimenopausal. Luckily, like so many things these days, we have technology to help us figure it out. Enter sleep trackers.A lot of people use smartwatches to track their sleep. But some people (OK, me) don’t like wearing a smartwatch to bed. It just feels odd — like it should go home to a jewelry box at the end of the day. But if that happened, how would I know my sleep score? How would I feel superior…

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If you’ve been on social media lately, you’ve probably seen #attachmentstyle making the rounds. The hashtag has been viewed more than a billion times on TikTok. So what is attachment style? Relationship attachment style refers to how people behave in relationships, from expressing intimacy to handling conflict. The term became popular in 1969 when psychologist Mary Ainsworth developed the Strange Situation Procedure (surprisingly not trending on TikTok) to measure attachment between caregiver and child. Ainsworth’s attachment theory says the emotional bonds we form with our caregivers (usually parents) as babies play a big role in how we behave in relationships…

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English Se proyecta que las mujeres en Estados Unidos pasarán casi 50 años de sus vidas tomando medicamentos con prescripciones. Y el costo de estos medicamentos puede ser dolorosamente alto. De hecho, 4 de cada 10 (el 43%) de mujeres no han podido comprar medicamentos de prescripciones y casi 1 de cada 10 no han podido tomar sus medicamentos tal como se indica en la receta debido a sus costos en algún momento de sus vidas. No es una sorpresa que las personas tengan dificultades para pagar medicamentos. En 2021, los costos de medicamentos sin reembolso subieron más del 9%…

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English Los biosimilares son medicamentos modelados a partir de otro tipo de medicamentos llamados biofármacos. Ambas opciones pueden usarse para tratar una gama de problemas médicos, incluyendo trastornos autoinmunitarios tales como la artritis reumatoide (AR) y algunos tipos de cáncer. Los biofármacos se preparan a partir de una fuente natural, tal como células vegetales o humanas y los biosimilares se preparan de la misma forma. Para recibir la aprobación de la FDA, se debe demostrar que un biosimilar funciona de la misma forma y con la misma seguridad que el biofármaco en el que se basó su diseño (denominado un…

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About 1.5 million Americans are living with some form of lupus — and 9 out of 10 of them are women. Lupus is often hard to diagnose because it shares symptoms with so many other conditions, and because it affects the immune system of each person differently. Lupus can also be tough to treat, and the drugs traditionally used to manage the condition may come with serious side effects. One of the most difficult things about lupus is that people who have it don’t always realize it — they know something’s not right, but they’re often not sure what it…

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On this episode of WomenTalk, we’re partnering with NIH and Dr. Gina Wei to encourage women to take action to protect their heart health. We’ll help women understand what their heart health numbers mean, risk factors for heart disease and the practical steps they can take to protect their heart, as well as the importance of self-care, stress management and social support. Watch more WomenTalk episodes

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Women in the United States can expect to spend nearly 50 years of their lives taking prescription drugs. And the cost of those drugs can be painful. In fact, 4 in 10 (43%) women haven’t been able to fill a prescription and nearly 1 in 10 haven’t taken their medicine as prescribed because of cost at some point in their lives. It’s no surprise that people have trouble paying for medications. In 2021, out-of-pocket drug costs rose more than 9% to $633.5 billion. Drug costs may be especially tough for patients who take medicines called biologics and biosimilars because the…

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Biosimilars are drugs modeled after another type of drug called biologics. Both can be used to treat a variety of health issues, including autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and some types of cancer. Biologics are made from a natural source, such as plant or human cells, and biosimilars are made in the same way. To be approved by the FDA, a biosimilar must be proven to work as well and be just as safe as the biologic it’s modeled after (called a reference product). Making medication from living material is a complex and time-consuming process, and the price…

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What was it that got you all riled up? Was it a little thing that was pretty easy to forgive, like your partner loading the dishwasher all wrong? Or was it something really bad, like your BFF seeing Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour movie without you? Or maybe you were even mad at yourself for messing up a good thing? Whatever it was, forgiving yourself or others means letting go of resentment — and it can be really complicated. But if you can find it in your heart to do it, science says your heart will thank you. In fact,…

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March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. Living with endometriosis is a real pain in the pelvic area for many women and people assigned female at birth. The pain can be debilitating, and some people may not even know they have endometriosis because it can take years to get a proper diagnosis. Endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the tissue lining in your uterus grows outside of the uterus. These endometrial growths can bleed and swell and cause pain and serious health problems, including infertility. Read: Fast Facts About Endometriosis >> The symptoms of endometriosis can mirror other health conditions, which is…

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