Author: Reyna Baker

CHEAT ON CANDY BARS WITH QUESTIFIED PEANUT BUTTER COATED CANDIES BARS. This Halloween, skip the store-bought sugar bombs and summon these from your kitchen cauldron. Peanut butter, coconut flour, and Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder join forces to conjure up a treat so hauntingly delicious, it’s like dark magic at work. Topped with melted sugar-free chocolate and chopped Quest Peanut Butter Coated Candies, these scary-good bars have the protein you want to handle whatever zombies and goblins come your way – without getting spooked by a sugary nightmare. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO PEANUT BUTTER CANDY BARS…

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CHEAT ON BROWNIES WITH QUESTIFIED BAKE SHOP SPIDERWEB BROWNIES. Just wait ‘til you get tangled up in these chocolatey spiderwebs! Let’s be real – nobody wants to get spooked by scary amounts of sugar and net carbs. Thanks to sugar free chocolate and Quest Bake Shop Brownies this recipe is no tricks, all treats. Prepare to turn Halloween fright into sheer delight because these brownies will leave your guests screaming—for more. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO SPIDERWEB CHOCOLATE BROWNIES Yields: 6 servings |  Serving Size: 1 brownie Calories: 130  | Protein: 6g  | Fat: 9g | Net Carb: 2g…

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As told to Shannon Shelton Miller I was thrilled to be pregnant with my first child at 29. Everything went well for about eight months — until the day I went to the restroom and the toilet was full of blood. I immediately called my OB-GYN because I was scared something was wrong with my baby. At the appointment, he assured me we both were fine. It was probably just hemorrhoids or my baby was starting to rest on my organs as he grew bigger, leading to some bleeding. But new symptoms started to show up. I was dizzy, had…

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September is Pain Awareness MonthPaula* started feeling pain in her shoulder late last year. It started as an ache, but it wasn’t long until routine things like waving to a friend or putting on a sports bra were too painful to do. She started having problems sleeping and paying attention at work because of the pain. Paula was eventually diagnosed with a shoulder tear and said some days are worse than others — but the pain is always there. “I don’t remember what it’s like not to have the pain,” she said. Paula is not alone: About 1 in 5…

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English + Infographic text ¿Qué es la diabetes? La diabetes es cuando tu cuerpo tiene dificultad para mantener el azúcar de la sangre a niveles regulares. Ocurre cuando tu cuerpo no genera suficiente hormona insulina o cuando tu cuerpo no reacciona apropiadamente a ella. Los tipos más frecuentes de diabetes Tipo 1: Tu sistema inmunológico ataca las partes de tu páncreas que generan insulina Tipo 2: Tu cuerpo no genera suficiente insulina o no reacciona adecuadamente a ella Prediabetes: Tus niveles de azúcar en la sangre son mayores de lo que deberían ser, pero no tan altos como en la…

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Breast cancer can affect all aspects of your life. And knowing where to turn for help can be difficult. We’ve put together a list of resources to help you get started. HealthyWomen offers these resources for information purposes only. We do not endorse or recommend these websites specifically. Always be sure to do your own research and find support that works for you. In addition, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about breast cancer and your personal treatment plan.​BrasBra or No Bra? Navigating the Post-Mastectomy WorldHow To Choose a Bra After Breast SurgeryPink Warrior Advocates Bra Assistance Program​Housework/Yardwork…

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Slide 1 Protecting Yourself or Your Partner from HIV How to talk to intimate partners about HIV Slide 2 Major changes in midlife Despite what people may think, many women over age 50 are interested in having sex. And midlife may mean new relationships and intimate partners. That means you need to protect yourself — and your sexual partners — from HIV. 1 out 3 women ages 50–64 are not in a committed relationship. Slide 3 Recognizing the risks for HIV It’s important to note that you can get an STI, including HIV, at any age. Women over 50 are…

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EspañolSeptember 25, 2024, is World Dense Breast Day. Mammograms? Nobody likes to have their breasts squished like a pancake. But now there’s a new reason to make sure you schedule one. As of September 2024, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requiring that all mammogram reports include information about your breast density. This is a big step in the right direction for women’s healthcare. In the United States, 50% of women over the age of 40 have dense breasts, making it difficult to detect breast cancer before it spreads. This new ruling keeps women informed, empowering them to discuss…

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EnglishEl 25 de septiembre de 2024, es elDía Mundial de las Mamas Densas. ¿Mamografías? A nadie le gusta que le aprieten las mamas como si fueran panqueques. Pero ahora hay una nueva razón para asegurarse de programar una. A partir de septiembre de 2024, la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) requiere que todos los informes de mamografías incluyan información de la densidad mamaria. Este es un gran paso en la dirección correcta para la atención médica de la mujer. En Estados Unidos, el 50% de las mujeres de más de 40 años tienen mamas…

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¿Qué es una enfermedad cardiaca? Las enfermedades cardiacas incluyen muchos trastornos diferentes que afectan el corazón y sus estructuras, tales como las venas y las arterias. El tipo más frecuente de enfermedad cardiaca para las mujeres es la enfermedad arterial coronaria ¿Qué incrementa tu riesgo de enfermedades cardiacas? Conocer tus factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas puede ser útil para que los controles con tu proveedor de atención médica. Tener más de 65 años Usar anticonceptivos hormonales Ser una mujer, desde el punto de vista biológico Atravesar la menopausia La raza y la etnia El riesgo de morir de una…

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