Author: Lance Garrison

To the Editor:Re “Colleges Warn of Punishment for Disruptions” (front page, April 19):I would not want to be a college president these days. In past months, the hot breath of Republican politicians led to resignations at Harvard and Penn. Now, the president of Columbia, Nemat Shafik, has come under congressional fire for being too lenient in answering campus provocations and responds in the next instant with a wave of arrests of student protesters. Damned for doing too little and surely cursed for doing too much.College campuses are boiling, roiling, with faint echoes of the 1960s being heard in some of…

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Most people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) get diagnosed before this cancer reaches its advanced stages. In fact, it might take several months or even years to get there.  When the disease moves into the later stages, CLL cells crowd out the healthy cells in the bone marrow, which could lead to problems such as anemia, low platelets, and an enlarged liver and spleen.“Typically, a patient could feel fatigue, fever, chills, enlargement of lymph nodes,” says Wei Ding, MBBS, PhD, an assistant professor of oncology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.Larry Saltzman, MD, is a retired family doctor in…

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​​​​As a journalist, you usually go to the front line to find the news. But sometimes the front line finds you. This happened to me not once but twice on Thursday, as an epic battle over freedom of expression on college campuses unfolded from one end of Manhattan to another.The first was when I happened to be on the campus of Columbia University, speaking at a class. While leaving the classroom, I came upon a tent camp that had sprung up on one of the campus’s lush lawns. It was, as college protests often are, an earnest but peaceful affair.…

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A buccal patch stuck to the inside of the mouth might deliver drugs more quickly and with fewer side effects. One of the most common ways of taking a drug is to swallow a pill. However, young children and people with health conditions ranging from Parkinson’s disease to throat cancer can have trouble getting down a tablet or capsule. Other drugs, such as insulin, need to be injected, which can be painful and even trigger phobias. To overcome these issues, researchers are developing new ways of administering drugs that are easier, more convenient, and could work faster and have fewer…

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Ernest House needed a liver transplant. But a heart condition was keeping him off the transplant list. “I would have died,” he says. “There’s no doubt about that. My body was failing.”A former college football quarterback, House had always strived to stay active. That didn’t change when he reached his golden years. As a young man, Ernest House played quarterback at Eastern Kentucky University. In 2018, at age 65, he was at the gym by 6 every morning, worked full-time, and traveled regularly with his wife to cheer on his grandchildren at their many sporting events.But that year, a searing pain…

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Tom: Yeah.Ross: —— tomorrow if they thought they could win it. So if you are in the Israeli cabinet right now, are you thinking, “We must strike back to restore deterrence and maintain fear”? Or are you thinking, “Iran failed sufficiently that they will be deterred from trying this again”? What are you thinking, and what are they going to do?Tom: What are they going to do? I don’t know, Ross. I’ll just say what I’ve been thinking from Day 1 of the war: that Israel needs to ask itself what its worst enemies want it to do and do…

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You may be thinking about looking into clinical trials to help treat your chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). These trials are research studies that help scientists study treatment safety and effectiveness. They could let you try cutting-edge treatments that aren’t yet widely available — and by taking part, you could help other people with your type of cancer.“Clinical trials are an option worth exploring at any stage of the disease, not just in the late stages,” says Gwen Nichols, MD, chief medical officer of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.First, you need to know exactly what’s involved: what trials are available, what…

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There’s no denying that there are many benefits to sports besides physical health. For girls and women, sports can be empowering. They can build confidence, social connections, and leadership skills.But the sporting environment can also place unique pressure on athletes, and that stress can lead to body image issues, especially for female athletes. But body image hasn’t always been a topic of conversation in sports. “There’s a tremendous amount of shame, stigma, and secrecy,” says registered dietitian Paula Quatromoni, DSc. She’s an associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Boston University.Recently, more female athletes have shared their struggles with body…

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During the Darfur genocide and humanitarian crisis two decades ago, then-Senator Joe Biden passionately denounced then-President George W. Bush for failing to act decisively to ease suffering. Biden expressed outrage at China for selling weapons used to kill and maim civilians, and he urged me to write columns demanding the White House end needless wretchedness.Darfur and Gaza are very different, of course, but I recall the senator’s compassion and urgency — and I wonder, where has that Joe Biden gone?Gaza has become the albatross around Biden’s neck. It is his war, not just Benjamin Netanyahu’s. It will be part of…

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As the sociologist Jack M. Bloom puts it in “Class, Race and the Civil Rights Movement,”The apparent defeat of Populism and the subsequent disenfranchisement of blacks brought about a severe setback for these whites, as well. Many of them lost the right to vote. They were subject to the harsh terms of their employers, and they remained without labor unions to counter the power the wealthy retained. When they did try to form unions, they found the region’s tradition of violence turned against them.White supremacy had triumphed, but not all whites would be supreme.Jim Crow did not eradicate Black political…

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