Author: Lance Garrison

If you’ve just been diagnosed with psoriasis, you may have a few questions about it. Here are answers to some of the more common ones people ask.What’s the difference between psoriasis and eczema?To an untrained eye, these conditions may seem alike. But while they’re both skin diseases, they’re not the same. In fact, “They’re 100 percent different,” says Whitney High, MD, an associate professor of dermatology and the director of the Dermatopathology Laboratory at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.Psoriasis doesn’t usually affect children, High says. But eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a childhood disease. Eczema also tends to…

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To the Editor:Re “18 More Deaths From Our Gun Addiction,” by Stephen King (Opinion guest essay, Oct. 31):Mr. King’s frustration with gun violence and his feeling of helplessness for our country are not unique, but they are born more from exhaustion than reality.I reject his view that “there is no solution to the gun problem.” We may be “addicted to firearms,” but America has overcome addiction before with the same grit and persistence that helped end slavery and bend our collective views away from racism.Cultural change takes generations. The gun culture we mistakenly fell in love with was bolstered by…

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Although, conventionally, hurricanes are measured by their peak intensity, how quickly they reach that intensity and how rapidly they approach land matters enormously. Over the last century, the world has made remarkable if unequal progress in reducing human mortality from storms, even as tallies of property damage have appeared to grow larger. Much of that progress is thanks to better forecasting and early warning systems — having a few days, rather than a few hours, to prepare makes even the most brutal storms much easier to endure and survive. A tropical storm isn’t an insignificant threat, and what became Otis…

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Oct. 20, 2023 – People who eat more ultra-processed foods – particularly artificial sweeteners and-artificially sweetened drinks – could be at higher risk of depression, according to new research.The study was published recently in JAMA Network Open.Ultra-processed foods are energy-dense and ready-to-eat food items including things like processed breakfast meats, packaged snacks, and ice cream as well as artificially sweetened drinks. Artificial sweeteners, also an ultra-processed food, include things like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine.“What we found is that consuming high amounts of ultra-processed foods could increase your risk of developing depression by up to 50%,” said Raaj Mehta, MD, MPH, one of…

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The names Joe Biden and Donald Trump are scarce on the website of the Federal Reserve. When they do appear in a document, it’s rarely something said or written by a Fed governor or staffer. If the occupant of the White House is mentioned at all, it’s generally as “the president” — a role, not a person.In contrast, A.W. Phillips, a defunct economist from New Zealand who gave his name to the Phillips curve, which compares inflation and unemployment, is all over the Fed website — “Your query for ‘A.W. Phillips’ matched 84,826 documents,” I was informed on Tuesday.I say…

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Oct. 23, 2023 — Exercising for at least 30 minutes three times a week can be just as effective as Viagra and similar medications at improving erectile function, according to a new analysis of the best research to date on aerobic exercise and erectile function. The study, published this month in TheJournal of Sexual Medicine, found that aerobic activities — such as walking or cycling – improved erectile function in all men with erectile dysfunction, regardless of body weight, overall health, or medication use. Men with the most severe erectile dysfunction saw the greatest benefit. “This study provides physicians and patients the proof…

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Step back far enough, and you can see exactly what is driving so much geopolitics today: Ukraine is trying to join the West. Israel is trying to join a new Middle East. And Russia and Iran have teamed up to try to block both.Unfortunately, the new G.O.P. House speaker, Mike Johnson, is either too inexperienced or too ideological (or both) to see this (or to care). He is pushing a budget that would help Israel better defend itself but would deprive Ukraine of essential U.S. economic and military assistance to beat back Russia’s onslaught.And he’s conditioned even the $14.3 billion…

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Breast cancer screening guidelines vary with each person. You might wonder why your doctor chooses certain ones over others. In the WebMD webinar “ Breast Cancer Screenings: What’s New and What’s Best?” Julia E. McGuinness, MD, discussed the most recent breast cancer screenings. She explained the guidelines and why they should be tailored to each person. McGuinness is an assistant professor of medicine at the Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. She specializes in caring for people who have breast cancer and those at high risk of developing it. …

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It didn’t take long for the new House speaker, Mike Johnson, to demonstrate to the world that he will not be a serious partner for American allies or for those who still believe that governing is not a petty little game.On Monday, only five days after being elevated to one of the most important leadership roles in the country, he upended a major foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, meekly obeying those Republican House members who see their main role as disengaging from the world and taking self-destructive potshots at Democrats. Nothing in Mr. Johnson’s record suggested he…

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