Author: Lance Garrison

To the Editor:Re “Universities Are Failing at Inclusion,” by David Brooks (column, Nov. 17):While most of Mr. Brooks’s piece feels true and insightful, especially in the way “ideological war zones” hinder true curiosity, learning and student safety, I feel that he has forgotten the possibility of “both/and.”As a dean of student life for a New Jersey independent school, I openly identify as an educator committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging work, and I long for the ideal of a pluralistic society where all are celebrated for their various life experiences, identities and perspectives.On the other hand, I do not…

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American democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law are the righteous causes of our times, and the nation’s legal profession is obligated to support them. But with the acquiescence of the larger conservative legal movement, these pillars of our system of governance are increasingly in peril. The dangers will only grow should Donald Trump be returned to the White House next November.Recent reporting about plans for a second Trump presidency are frightening. He would stock his administration with partisan loyalists committed to fast-tracking his agenda and sidestepping — if not circumventing altogether — existing laws and long-established legal norms.…

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By Judith Goldstein, OD, as told to Keri Wiginton Geographic atrophy (GA) can be visually confusing. People often tell me that one minute they see something, and the next minute they don’t. For example, the word you’re reading might be “she,” but you see only the “he” part. Or $129 might look like $12 and then $129 when you glance back. That leaves people wondering: Well, then, what’s the price?In more advanced stages of the disease, your central vision may seemingly “white out” or go grey when you look straight at things or people. It’s easy to get scared or upset when the visual…

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The hum of conversation, the aroma of roasted turkey, the clinking of silverware on porcelain: This is how I remember last year’s Thanksgiving, spent at a dear friend’s home. I relished the inviting ambience until a conversation about the day’s cooking unexpectedly shifted to the topic of gender roles. It was then that my friend’s father, a revered patriarch in his mid-70s, wistfully mentioned how he missed the “good old days” when things were simpler and “people knew their place.”The room, filled with faces both familiar and new, grew silent. As a guest caught in this sudden shift, I faced…

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Pick an animal that best describes the Democratic Party. Pick an animal that bestdescribes the Democratic Party. “A moose.” Christopher, 31, white, Calif. “A bison.” Mary-Beth, 72, white, Mo. “A kangaroo.” Emil, 71, Black, N.Y. The party of the people. The Democracy. The New Dealers. The Democrats have gone by many names over the years, and what they stand for — what it means to be a Democrat — has changed, too. But as President Biden braces for a brutal campaign, the party may face a challenge it didn’t see coming. When Times Opinion recently asked 12 Democrats to tell…

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Before she died in 2013, Dolours Price, a Provisional Irish Republican Army guerrilla, started granting interviews. She described planting I.R.A. bombs and driving people to their executions, smuggling explosives and going on hunger strike in a British prison.But it was Ms. Price’s memories of girlhood in 1950s Northern Ireland that kept running through my mind during a recent trip to this city. Ms. Price was born into an era of Catholic disenfranchisement under British rule — job discrimination, vote suppression and barriers to housing and education. Most of all, Ms. Price told the journalist Ed Moloney, her family resented having…

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People are going to be talking about the blowup at OpenAI for years. ChatGPT itself — a product of OpenAI — could not have concocted a tale as wild as the one that unfolded over the weekend.OpenAI’s board of directors fired a co-founder, Sam Altman, as chief executive officer on Friday, saying he was “not consistently candid in his communications” with the board. On Sunday the board rejected pressure to take Altman back. Hours later, Microsoft announced it was hiring him and Greg Brockman, another founder, to lead a new advanced A.I. research team.By Monday morning, OpenAI was in open…

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