Author: Lance Garrison

The election of Javier Milei, a wild-haired showboating weirdo with five cloned mastiffs and a habit of psychic communion with their departed pet of origin, as president of Argentina has inspired a lot of discussion about the true nature of right-wing populism in our age of general discontent.Milei has many of the signifiers of a Trumpian politics: the gonzo energy, the criticism of corrupt elites, the rants against the left, the support from social and religious conservatives. At the same time, on economic policy he is much more of a doctrinaire libertarian than a Trump-style mercantilist or populist, a more…

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By Foster Lasley, MD, as told to Kara Mayer Robinson  If your lung cancer can’t be treated with surgery, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. You may still have treatment options like radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Nonsurgical treatments can lead to good outcomes and they’re commonly used around the world today.  What’s Inoperable Lung Cancer?Inoperable lung cancer is simply a tumor that surgery can’t treat, which could be because your cancer is in a difficult spot to reach, it’s spread outside your lungs, or you have other serious health conditions. For example, if your lungs aren’t healthy enough in general, or…

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By David Tom Cooke, MD, as told to Susan BernsteinThe term is “inoperable lung cancer.” It means that the risk of surgery to remove the lung cancer exceeds the benefits of the surgery for a patient. However, it is hard to tell if someone is “inoperable.”Age is one factor that can slightly increase your risk, but it’s not necessarily prohibitive. I’ve operated on 90-year-olds. Other health problems you have can be a factor, such as impaired lung function. If we remove a lung tumor in a person who already has minimal lung function due to severe COPD or emphysema, that…

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For a full decade, mobilized by social media and inflamed by the inequities of globalization, the world was on fire with mass protest: Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party, Tahrir Square and the Arab Spring, Gezi Park in Turkey, Brazil and Chile and Ukraine and Hong Kong. At the time it was almost irresistible to overlook the differences among these movements and see instead an astonishing unforeseen rupture in the global order, and one that just kept ripping — a modern-day 1848 of parallel global uprising. Yet writing about the decade in retrospect, Bevins argues that what is most…

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Nov. 22, 2023 – Winter is almost here, and with it may come runny noses, coughing, and congestion. But how do you know if you have just a common cold or one of the three respiratory viruses that make up the “tripledemic” – RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), COVID-19, and influenza? Based on symptoms alone, it’s difficult to tell which illness you might have. But there are clues that can point you in the right direction: how severe your symptoms are, how long it took for symptoms to set in, what viruses are circulating in your community, and more. We asked experts to…

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Trays of cookies and tins of assorted popcorn at work. Holiday parties laden with sugary desserts. Family gatherings with tables overloaded with turkey or ham, all kinds of potatoes, and buttery rolls. There’s no way around it: The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s pose all kinds of challenges for anyone trying to maintain a healthy weight.Actually, studies show that most adults don’t gain as much weight as you might think during the holidays. The average weight gain during this time period is anywhere from 0.8 pounds to just under 2 pounds, according to a research review published in the Journal…

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There have been five wars in the last 15 years between Israel and Hamas. How do we end the current one and prevent a sixth from happening, sooner or later? How do we balance our desire to stop the fighting with the need to address the roots of the conflict? For 75 years, diplomats, well-intentioned Israelis and Palestinians and government leaders around the world have struggled to bring peace to this region. In that time an Egyptian president and an Israeli prime minister were assassinated by extremists for their efforts to end the violence.And on and on it goes.For those…

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Ready or not, the holidays are here.For many people, especially those trying to lose weight, it’s not an easy time. High expectations of holiday happiness can give way to loneliness, sadness — and greater vulnerability to the rich foods that are everywhere this time of year.But take heart: If you’re prone to holiday blues, there are steps you can take to keep your good cheer (and your nutrition) intact — without depriving yourself or overdoing comfort foods. Your mental health is an essential part of your well-being. Talk to your doctor or therapist if you are consistently feeling low. If you have…

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