Author: Lance Garrison

Do you want a bigger penis? In one large survey a few years ago, about 45% of men said they did. And you can buy plenty of over-the-counter and even medical treatments that promise a larger penis. But do any of them really work?Some of the things men use to try to increase penis size include:Vacuum penis pumpsPenis weightsPenis stretching exercises, called jelqingSupplementsCreamsSurgeryThe truth is that these treatments tend to have modest, if any, results, experts say. And most don’t do anything at all to increase penis size.But some techniques, including weight loss, may improve your penis’s appearance or your…

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Your little one is congested. What should you do?In a child age 3 or under, this can be a challenge. For starters, it’s not always obvious what’s causing that stuffy nose. Infants and toddlers often catch colds because they are just starting to build up their immunity to common viruses. But there are many other potential causes of congestion.You’re also limited by the treatments that are OK to use in children younger than 4. You shouldn’t turn to cold medicines for relief. They can be dangerous for infants and toddlers.Fortunately, there are plenty of safe and effective treatments that you…

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In the fall of 2021, a soft-spoken woman in her 60s came to the emergency room where I worked, complaining of pain in her foot. When I examined her, I could see that I would need to amputate the infected leg immediately, or she risked sepsis and death. I amputated her leg that night. She died 14 months later.The entire episode could probably have been prevented. My patient was one of the estimated eight million to 12 million Americans with a condition called peripheral artery disease, in which clogged arteries limit the flow of blood to the legs, damaging and…

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If you have high cholesterol, you’re also at higher risk for heart disease. But the good news is, it’s a risk you can control. You can lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol and raise your “good” HDL cholesterol. You just have to make some simple changes.“I tell patients that you have to start somewhere and just keep going,” says Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, an attending cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. “As you adopt lifestyle changes, everything starts shifting, and the improvements you see at 6 weeks often increase by 3 months.”Lifestyle isn’t everything — your genes matter, too.…

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By Neil M. Bressler, MD, as told to Keri WigintonAge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss for people over 65. We have excellent treatments for the wet form of AMD. But until recently, we haven’t had any therapeutics to target the root cause of geographic atrophy, an advanced form of dry AMD.Pegcetacoplan (Syfovre) is the first FDA-approved drug to slow the progression of GA. It’s a shot you get in your eye every month or every other month. We now have the approval of a second, similar drug called avacincaptad pegol (Izervay). These breakthrough medications offer hope…

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I study government bureaucracies. This is not normally a key political issue. Right now, it is, and everyone should be paying attention.Donald Trump, the former president and current candidate, puts it in apocalyptic terms: “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state.” This is not an empty threat. He has a real and plausible plan to utterly transform American government. It will undermine the quality of that government and it will threaten our democracy.A second Trump administration would be very different from the first. Mr. Trump’s blueprint for amassing power has been developed by a constellation…

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Nov. 27, 2023 — On a drizzly Wednesday afternoon, Christopher sat in an overstuffed reclining chair, relaxing with a cozy blanket draped across him after his most recent infusion at the Ketamine Healing Clinic of Los Angeles. Diagnosed with depression at age 19, Christopher (not his real name), now a 35-year-old graduate student, has struggled to overcome what is now treatment-resistant depression. He ticked off the treatments, conventional and alternative, that he’s tried: Lithium. Wellbutrin. Paxil. Other antidepressants. Mushrooms. Meditation. Cognitive behavioral therapy.Nothing provided long-term relief, and he felt some medications blunted his emotions. “I became more robotic, less social,” he…

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To the Editor:Re “Palestinians Must Have Hope for a Brighter Future,” by Bernie Sanders (Opinion guest essay, Nov. 23):Senator Sanders states what has been obvious for decades to all who support two states living in peace, prosperity and dignity: The violence must end. The question is, how?Each act of brutality radicalizes the other side. In this long struggle, extremists on both sides scuttle every hope for compromise and ensure the endless cycle of murder and retaliation.The U.S. can pressure Israel by curtailing or attaching conditions to aid. Who or what can pressure Hamas and its allies? What, specifically, can disempower…

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When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the Feminist Antiwar Resistance quickly formed and became one of the loudest protest movements in the country. More than 100 of its activists have faced various forms of persecution, the organization says. In one of the most high-profile cases, the artist Alexandra Skochilenko was recently sentenced to seven years in prison for swapping price tags in a St. Petersburg supermarket with statements highlighting civilian deaths in the conflict. Other political and social women’s initiatives have gained momentum since then, including mothers worrying about their sons being sent to war.This summer, Russia’s health minister, Mikhail…

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