Author: Lance Garrison

A day after the CNN interview, I attended a conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, organized by the Israeli mission and Jewish groups, in which Hamas’s “tools,” to use Jayapal’s term, were described. Sheryl Sandberg, Hillary Clinton and Kirsten Gillibrand were among the headline speakers. But the important testimony came from Israelis who bore witness to what they had seen firsthand or heard from eyewitnesses of Oct. 7.Here is some of what I heard, which people like Jayapal would do well to hear also. It’s extremely graphic.Yael Richert, a chief superintendent with the Israeli national police, quoting…

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Prices for medications may be very different from pharmacy to pharmacy, even within the same ZIP code. So you may be able to save money on your medicines by shopping around for the best price.“Prescription and over-the-counter medication prices vary, depending on where you go,” says Kyle Manera, the chief operating officer of Co-Immunity, an organization in Wichita, KS, for people with chronic illnesses.Even if you use insurance, your out-of-pocket cost may differ, depending on where and how you buy your medications.Are All Pharmacies the Same?Every pharmacy, whether it’s local, a chain, or a mail-order or online operation, has its…

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To the Editor:Re “Second Term Could Unleash Darker Trump” (front page, Dec. 5):As the basic parameters of a second Trump presidency come into focus, I find myself growing increasingly fearful. As the article presents in detail, Donald Trump, if re-elected, could transform the American government into something close to a dictatorship.Because I am an old white guy, it seems unlikely that I would be targeted and jailed or condemned to one of his camps. But if you are a high-profile Democrat, a person of color, an undocumented immigrant or someone who has spoken out against him, he may very well…

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If you’re looking for a multiple sclerosis (MS) app, there are a lot of choices. On Google Play and on Apple’s App Store, a search for “MS apps” could yield more than 1,000 results. After you filter out all the ones that aren’t in English or aren’t designed just for MS, you’ll still have around 100 to sort through. How can you know which is best for you?First, decide what info you want most. MS diagnosis and treatment, MS tests, or MS self-management, perhaps?  Research shows that mobile apps for MS can empower you, help you stick to your treatment…

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Over the past six months, the personal consumption expenditure deflator excluding food and energy — I know that’s a mouthful, but it’s the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of underlying inflation — has risen at an annual rate of only 2.5 percent, down from 5.7 percent in March 2022.The Fed’s inflation target is 2 percent, so we’re not quite there yet. And you shouldn’t expect the Fed to declare victory any time soon. As I can tell you from personal experience, anyone suggesting that inflation is more or less under control can expect an avalanche of hate mail and hostile commentary…

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Like many people, you may not know how much a prescription costs until you get to the pharmacy. When you pick it up, you might be shocked by the high price.Your doctor may prescribe a medication without knowing the out-of-pocket cost or whether your insurance will cover it. That’s why it’s smart to talk to your doctor if you think your medicine is too expensive. “High prescription costs may not be on your doctor’s mind while prescribing certain medications,” says Kyle Manera, an executive with Co-Immunity, a patient organization in Wichita, KS, for people with chronic illnesses. Unless you bring it…

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Produced by ‘The Ezra Klein Show’Here are two thoughts I believe need to be held at once: Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 was heinous, murderous and unforgivable, and that makes it more, not less, important to try to understand what Hamas is, how it sees itself and how it presents itself to Palestinians.Tareq Baconi is the author of “Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance,” one of the best books on Hamas’s rise and recent history. He’s done extensive work interviewing members of Hamas and mapping the organization’s beliefs and structure.[You can listen to this episode of “The…

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For years, the European Union has been laying the foundation for what may be the world’s most ambitious climate policy: the European Green Deal, which puts Europe out in front in the global fight against climate change. This formidable bundle of policies steers countries to build renewable energy resources, find ways to improve energy efficiency and significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions in the process.But now, the Green Deal is in peril as a school of thought that frames the green transition as an elitist plot against ordinary people gains followers in Europe. It’s a political strategy that is potent in…

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This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email with anyquestions. name is Daniela Lamas, and I’m a pulmonary and critical care doctor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.[MUSIC PLAYING]I often find myself drawn to stories that explore the nuance between surviving an illness and actually recovering, because there’s a lot of middle states that are created by medical interventions of people who have been through something catastrophic and lived, but aren’t yet OK. And…

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