Author: Lance Garrison

At an Ohio campaign rally in March, Trump declared: “If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole country.”In other words, Trump and his allies respond to adversity and what they see as attacks from the left with threats and anger, while a segment of the left often but not always responds to adversity and social inequity with dejection and sorrow.There are significant consequences for this internalization.Jamin Halberstadt, a professor of psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand and co-author of “Outgroup Threat and the Emergence of Cohesive Groups: A Cross-Cultural Examination,”…

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In June 2020 I was kidnapped by armed men and heldfor ransom. Unlike thousands of other Mexicans who havebeen taken, I survived. This is my story, and the story ofhow violence has destroyed families, lives and my country. Photographs and text by Manuel Bayo Gisbert I was kidnapped by armed menand held for ransom. Unlikethousands of other Mexicans whohave been taken, I survived.This is my story, and the storyof how violence has destroyedfamilies, lives and my country.Photographs and text by ManuelBayo Gisbert It was almost midnight when we returned to the highway where we had been kidnapped by a drug…

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“History is littered,” the British writer and politician Enoch Powell said, “with the wars which everybody knew would never happen.”A full-blown conflict between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel once seemed implausible. But last month, the long-running shadow war between the two nations burst into the open in a series of unprecedented drone and missile strikes, raising the specter of a fight that would contain enough advanced technology, paramilitary forces and mutual acrimony to incinerate large parts of the Middle East, collapse the global economy and entangle the United States and other major powers.Now the two sides appear to…

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Dear anti-Israel campus protesters:Though it may take a few years before you realize it, supporters of Israel like me have reasons to give thanks to militant anti-Zionists like you.Recently, a friend asked what I would have made of your protests if they had been less fervently one-sided. If, for instance, pro-Palestinian student groups at Harvard and Columbia hadn’t castigated Israel immediately following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Or if Jewish students and professors hadn’t faced violence, harassment and antisemitic imagery from you or your allies from Harvard to Columbia to Berkeley to Stanford. Or if you had…

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The court transcript and eyewitness accounts cannot do justice to the entertainment value of Stormy Daniels’s testimony in Donald Trump’s felony trial on Tuesday.But those of us inside the courtroom are uncertain of her impact on the case, especially since we haven’t yet heard all of what will surely be a long and blistering cross-examination.The poised, smart and sassy black-clad witness — blond in front and brunette in back, with a big tattoo on her right lower arm — told a story that is familiar to tabloid aficionados but became much more powerful in court.She spared no juicy details, from…

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So far, Susan Necheles’s cross-examination of Stormy Daniels feels a little star-crossed, and not just because the jury in the Trump hush money trial surely noticed when the lawyer accidentally called the CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin “Jeff Daniels” and twice referred to Gina Rodriguez, Stormy Daniels’s talent agent, as “Geena Davis.”Strangely enough, Daniels stood up better under cross than her former attorney, Keith Davidson, did last week. In certain ways, she is doing even better on cross-examination — which continues on Thursday — than she did on direct examination by the prosecution in the morning.On direct, Daniels was admonished…

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Anorexia nervosa takes an enormous toll on the body. But that’s not all. It has the highest death rate of any mental illness. Between 5% and 20% of people who develop the disease eventually die from it. The longer you have it, the more likely you will die from it. Even for those who survive, the disorder can damage almost every body system.What happens exactly? Here’s a look at what anorexia does to the human body.The first victim of anorexia is often the bones. The disease usually develops in adolescence — right at the time when young people are supposed…

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By normal standards, the U.S. economy continues to look very good. Unemployment has now been below 4 percent for 27 months, and inflation remains fairly low, albeit somewhat higher than the Federal Reserve’s target of 2 percent. But if you say that, you get a lot of pushback; some get angry.Much of that pushback is partisan. Donald Trump described Friday’s jobs report, in which the unemployment rate rose — wait for it! — to 3.87 percent from 3.83 percent, as “horrible,” and I’m sure that many Americans believed him.But it’s not all partisan. Some of the pushback comes from readers…

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Watching the red carpet at Monday night’s Met Gala, I couldn’t help but recall a prediction I’d heard from Emily Kirkpatrick, who writes the Substack newsletter “I <3 Mess.” She’d told me recently that, before the end of 2024, it’s possible that “someone is going to show up fully nude on a red carpet.”That didn’t happen at this year’s gala, but it got very close, as Doja Cat — who appeared earlier this year at the Grammy Awards in what was called “the most naked dress ever” — presented at the Met Gala in a long, clinging, soaking wet, transparent…

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He promised her dinner … but they didn’t have dinner. He told her she reminded him of his daughter … then stripped down to his boxers and a T-shirt while she was in the bathroom. He said he could help her career with a spot on his TV show … then scolded her, “I thought you were serious,” when she tried to leave.To be clear, Stormy Daniels has never accused Donald Trump of anything but a payoff. She has maintained that the sex she says they had in his Lake Tahoe hotel suite in 2006 was consensual, albeit unenjoyable. But…

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