Author: admin

It’s that time of the year again when pumpkins glow, cobwebs adorn doorways, and the night is filled with the eerie excitement of Halloween. While you may be busy brainstorming costume ideas or planning spooky decorations, don’t forget about your muscles. Yes, you read that right – it’s time to spook your muscles with a Total Gym Strength Routine that’s both fun and effective. 5 Reasons to Spook Your Muscles this Halloween Imagine spooking your muscles as giving them an unexpected twist, much like a plot twist in a suspenseful Halloween story. This approach brings about a host of benefits…

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If you’ve ever noticed lumpy, bumpy areas on your thighs, buttocks, or arms, you might have wondered if you’re dealing with cellulite — or if it’s something else entirely. For example, one condition that can often be mistaken for cellulite is lipedema.  But what’s the difference between the two? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of lipedema and cellulite, the differences, and what you can do to support your body. What Is Lipedema? Often confused with lymphedema, lipedema is a chronic condition affecting many women worldwide. Characterized by the disproportionate accumulation of fat cells in the legs, thighs, buttocks, and occasionally…

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Undeniably, your body undergoes numerous alterations as you mature. One of the most problematic hurdles to overcome is the heightened difficulty in shedding pounds with increasing age. Almost ironically, it seems ridiculously effortless and swift to gain weight instead! It’s important to remember that many others are facing this situation too. We have sought advice from health and fitness professionals about why slimming down becomes tougher with age and they also provide tips on how to counteract this challenge. Changes in Hormonal Levels As we age, our bodies undergo significant changes, including those related to hormonal levels. Amy Shapiro, MS,…

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Unveiling the Secrets of Shoulder Injury Prevention Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES 🎃🕷️👻 💀🧟‍♂️ 🦴 Don’t freak out! Injuries can be sneaky, but they can be prevented! Overcome the fear of scary injuries that creep up on you like a ghost in the night. Since it’s spooky season, it seems just right to unravel the mysteries of how injuries can sneak up when you least expect them. FREAKY SNEAKY INJURIES: SERIES OVERVIEW This three-part series is about to unveil the secrets of keeping your body strong and injury-free by warding off the haunting horrors of injuries! The series is divided…

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Today, we’re embarking on a flavorful journey into the health-boosting world of cilantro. This vibrant green herb, commonly used as a garnish in many global cuisines, is more than just a culinary seasoning.  Apart from adding a unique zest to our dishes, cilantro is a nutritional powerhouse packed with health benefits. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be rushing out to your local grocery to buy fresh cilantro. Let’s get started! What Is Cilantro? Defining cilantro is a bit more complicated than you might expect. Depending on where you grew up, you might label cilantro as coriander…

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Have you ever experienced itchy, blistering bumps on your fingers and wondered what on earth could be causing them? If you answered ‘yes’, you might be dealing with Dermatitis Herpetiformis, a skin condition that’s as tricky to spell as it is to understand. But don’t fret! This article will break down what Dermatitis Herpetiformis is, how it’s linked to stress and diet, and what you can do to manage it. What Is Dermatitis Herpetiformis? Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) is a skin condition marked by extremely itchy bumps and blisters. Though these rashes are commonly found on the elbows, knees, and buttocks,…

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Idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is a rare neurological disorder. Treatment can help, but there’s no cure. You may snooze upwards of 9 hours a night without feeling refreshed. You may fight to wake up in the morning. Your sleepiness may persist or get worse, even when you take lengthy naps during the day.If you live with IH, you’d probably like to know what’s causing your symptoms. Unfortunately, that’s not  something experts have figured out yet.“Literally, the name idiopathic hypersomnia means you’re sleepy and we don’t know why,” says Sabra Abbott, MD, assistant professor of neurology and sleep medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg…

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Lisa Thompson has seen many summits in her lifetime. In 2016, she scaled Mount Everest, and two years later, she climbed K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth (which is so revered and feared by mountaineers it’s earned the moniker “Savage Mountain”). In the year before her climb up Mount Everest, Thompson also attempted to climb Manaslu, a Himalayan Peak in Nepal. She ended up having to turn back before the top because of avalanche conditions, but the climb was still an impressive feat: Thompson had been diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after she began training for it—and she’d decided to…

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Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about! We’re doing it ‘go big or go home’ style to kick off fall! With this Pumpkin Pie Cream Cheese Coffee Cake recipe – we’re going big, of course since it’s now Pumpkin Pie everything season. Check out the full recipe below: NUTRITIONAL INFO PUMPKIN CREAM CHEESE COFFEE CAKE Yields: 16 servings |  Serving Size: One piece Calories: 150  | Protein: 8g  | Fat: 11g | Net Carb: 3g Total Carb: 7g   | Sugar: 2g Ingredients PUMPKIN CREAM CHEESE COFFEE CAKE Cake: 1 cup almond flour ¼ cup zero calorie sweetener 1 scoop Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein…

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Do you ever just feeling a bit (or super) overwhelmed? Same girlfriend, same. It sometimes feels impossible to shake, but I promise you CAN get past it. Here are 4 reasons you might be stressed and easy ways to de-stress fast! 4 common reasons you might be stressed:  Work-Life Balance: Balancing career, family, and personal time is not easy. It can feel overwhelming to know where to spend your time without neglecting something else and the thought of that alone can cause stress!  Health and Well-being: Concerns about your physical and/or mental health increase stress which actually can manifest itself into other physical issues…

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